RTE salaries


Registered User
So, certain people have taken significant pay cuts but still earn, what seems to most, generous salaries. And because they're funded, to some extent, by public money, comment on the salaries is fair game.

What raised my blood pressure yesterday was the performance, on RTE News, of the RTE 'Head of Spin' and the way she tried to evade answering direct questions.

When asked to comment on the new salary levels, her 'answer' was "but they've been reduced 30% and that's what we need to focus on" and that was all she was willing to discuss.

For example, Eamon Dunphy has taken a cut significantly above 30% but still seems, to me, very generously remunerated for .. panel analysis for international & CL games, contributing to radio programmes by phone. Over 100K for a part-time job ?
The happiest person in Ireland right now....he/she who's the 11th highest earner in RTE!
Another one that I find strange is that most of RTE presenters are all self employed and not contracted as actual employees of RTE.

Revenue need to sit up and take note - they are clearly employees of RTE and employers PRSI is due. The documents might say they are not, but in substance they clearly are.
Brendan O'Connor is the worst of all (€228,500 in 2011) for a 2 hour show once a week that only is only actually on a few months a year.

Terrible Value for money!
Brendan O'Connor is the worst of all (€228,500 in 2011) for a 2 hour show once a week that only is only actually on a few months a year.

Terrible Value for money!
In fairness to all presenters there's more to it than just turning up a few minutes before the show and buggering off the minute it finishes.

They are all bad value for money, but I think that they are contractors is a good thing for a few reasons.

1) RTE does not have to pay an pension contribution
2) On short term contracts, its easier to drop them ( and RTE should take note of this fact)

Revenue are aware of this. Many people in the media / IT and other industries are contractors and charge a fee to their employers.

Most of these 10 do actually do a lot of other corporate work so RTE is not the only customer of their company.
In fairness to all presenters there's more to it than just turning up a few minutes before the show and buggering off the minute it finishes.

From watching Brendan and Ryan I get the impression they only turn a few minutes before the show.
From watching Brendan and Ryan I get the impression they only turn a few minutes before the show.

Yea, but that's because they just aren't that good at their job.
If they were they'd be working on ITV or the BBC.
Got to really dislike Joe Duffy. He never seems to listen to what the callers are saying and is in a rush to get to the next caller. When he has nothing intelligent to say he either gives a big "sigh" or repeats himself constantly. If the caller isn't controversial enough he goes on about it being a "bad line" and gets rid of them. I can usually hear just fine.
It's funny to be listening to the show and reading the comments on boards.ie. When Joe Duffy goes on holiday Damian O'Reilly stands in for him. At least he can ask some relevant questions.
In fairness to all presenters there's more to it than just turning up a few minutes before the show and buggering off the minute it finishes.

I know exactly what it takes to prepares for such a chat show; I've seen every episode of Larry Sanders !

I am sorry but I missed this thread, when I started my own recently (perhaps the titles to discussions in this section, do not appear on "Today's posts") ... although it was on the more general issue of RTE & how we could do better - please see this link:


Suffice to say, it's time everyone starting complaining to the relevant Minister and apply more pressure on him, to do something about RTE - it's been loss making more years than not, in the past ten years and cannot be allowed to continue in it's current form (we've run up enough bills as a nation for things we don't need or want). I'm not saying get rid of RTE as I do genuinely believe there is a place for it ... but lets make it leaner and meaner - time it became a genuinely commercial operation, or at least restricted to providing whats actually needed from a State broadcaster these days.

For those willing to put pen to paper, I believe the relevant Minister is Pat Rabbitte and his contact details are:


Mr. Earl.
RTE is yet another example of a government body being run for the benefit of the heavily unionised staff, rather than the taxpayers.
RTE is yet another example of a government body being run for the benefit of the heavily unionised staff, rather than the taxpayers.
....... or the TV licence payers.

It's astonishing that people are being jailed for not paying the TV licence and on the other side the presenters are being paid outrageous salaries for the number of hours they work and the quality of their work.

Most of them wouldn't stand a chance in the UK and a lot of the presenters there are on less than them.

I personally would be more than happy to see a number of younger, perhaps less experienced but nonetheless talented, presenters employed by RTE on far lower salaries ...

One of only several obvious opportunities to cut the cost of running RTE & by extension, the cost to the taxpayer.

Go on Minister .... I dare you to actually do something radical which might save us some much needed money


Mr. Earl.
Go on Minister .... I dare you to actually do something radical which might save us some much needed money


Mr. Earl.

Sadly, the Labour party are bankrolled by SIPTU and other Unions so the chances of real change in RTE are slim to nil.
The presenters use the old argument that if they were paid any less, another station might poach them. Call their bluff!

If Ryan Tubridy was paid €200k instead of €600k, whats going to happen? Who's going to poach him? Nobody! He would have no choice but to accept it.
I remember reading somewhere that Vincent Browne gets circa €80k a year to present his nightly TV3 show.

Thats the bench mark in the private sector that RTE should be using.

Good God but those salaries are obscene.
I remember reading somewhere that Vincent Browne gets circa €80k a year to present his nightly TV3 show.

Thats the bench mark in the private sector that RTE should be using.

Good God but those salaries are obscene.

Benchmarking public sector salaries against the private sector???

Naah, it'd never catch on.

I remember reading somewhere that Vincent Browne gets circa €80k a year to present his nightly TV3 show.

Thats the bench mark in the private sector that RTE should be using.

Good God but those salaries are obscene.
Vinnie has called for a maximum salary for both private and public sector. I hope it's not less than his total income!