RTE Player hanging every few minutes


Registered User
Anyone else having problems with rte player over last few days ?

It keeps hanging on me both when viewing in IE and Chrome - plays a couple of minutes and freezes, You refresh and can pick up from where it stopped but couple mins later it freezes again

Anyone else having this problem or know workaround or how to fix it

Thanks for the replies
Internet speed connection is good I believe - reading 18.6 mbps download speed and 3.14mbps upload speed
Thanks for the replies
Internet speed connection is good I believe - reading 18.6 mbps download speed and 3.14mbps upload speed

I had constant problems with the RTE player and other streaming services when my BB speed was 15M, especially when the internet was being used by others in the house.
I have upgraded to 50M and it hasnt hung since.
What I find is that if more than one device is running and I want to stream eg Netflix or RTE Player I just switch on/off the modem, let it reboot and away I go, no pausing or skipping in the stream.