RTE Nature/Wildlife Programs

Have you watched any of the BBC's amateurish and misleading science programming lately? Or the propaganda that often passes for news coverage?

Or last Nights Top Gear as ref in another post....That must have cost a few Million and it's basically three planks arsing about measuring their C"*&'s
Yeah but at least some of the BBC productions have some semblance of credibility rather than RTE's Father Ted style production/presentation.

Apples and oranges really when you think the BBC revenue is circa 3,700m and RTE's is 370m (2005).
This being the case why are the second-rate presenters paid such astronomical salaries? They wouldn't leave as there would be nowhere for them to go.

While I agree some of the salaries are astronomical maybe it's something to do with the fact most of those top earners are contracted to RTE rather than being employees. So maybe it's a question of RTE paying higher rates and forgoing stuff like pension provision, etc to the higher paid presenters. I could be wrong on this so am open to correction.

Are RTE still paying that "retainer" to Gay Byrne so that he doesn't go off and work for another broadcaster??

P.S. most TV is rubbish these days anyway so I find little to grip about w.r.t to RTE re-dubbing docs with an Irish voice-over (which I have never noticed anyway) and as I get BBC for free then I can't really complain.