RTE - is the cost to the taxpayer justified & how could it be improved ?


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I'd like to talk about RTE, it's function, it's cost to the taxpayer and if it's good value for money, how it could be improved etc.

I think the best place to start, is probably by making it clear that I don't work for RTE, or any other Broadcaster or related party and my views are simply my own ... that of a taxpayer and a TV addict :)


RTE has served the nation well, in times past. However, I do not believe it is currently fit for purpose. That is to say, I do not believe what we currently own by way of State Broadcaster, is actually needed either now, or in the forseeable future. Nonetheless, I do believe Ireland should retain a basic interest in both TV & Radio broadcasting.

We currently own two TV channels in RTE1 & RTE 2. Why do we need two channels ? There is an ever increasing number of TV stations, primarily provided by the private sector (along with our neighbours, the UK and it's public broadcasters), providing everything from Irish speaking programmes, Irish news and current affairs, through to Irish sports. Surely, we could either sell or close down one of these channels, while still retaining a State owned TV channel (which I do think in principal, is a good idea).

RTE owns several Radio Stations - again, we are serviced by various private radio stations, capable of providing all that RTE's channels provide and where small gaps may still exist, amendments to existing licences for the private entities or perhaps offering additional broadcast licences, could allow us to close some of these RTE Radio Stations.

The cost of labour at RTE is extremely high, particularly when we look at the higher paid at the company. RTE themselves have only just released figures, attempting to show that they have cut their wage bill somewhat, but they clearly still pay some of their staff far too much money - money that could be better spent, or perhaps not spent at all !

Their Top 10 Broadcasters appear to be getting paid almost €3m per year, per their own news release - See here: http://www.rte.ie/news/2013/0327/378730-rte-pay-presenters/

The last annual financial results for RTE, were for the financial year end 2011 - when RTE reported a Net Deficit of circa €16.8m - See here: http://www.rte.ie/about/en/policies...rts/2012/0814/333562-rtes-annual-report-2011/

Without doing the research, I think I can speak with a reasoable level of confidence, when I say that RTE have made losses for more than half of the past ten years ... so, is this justified ?

Whatever about the past, how can this be permitted or tolerated, in the current year or in future years - not least, when RTE are providing services which we no longer need from the State ?

My personal opinion is that:

* RTE needs to be made much smaller - by way of sale or closure of some of it's Radio Stations and one of it's TV channels.

* RTE needs to be run far more effeciently - with further significant cuts to the higher end of the payroll and perhaps other significant cost cutting measures introduced (does anyone at RTE press hard for discounts when negotiating the supply of services - ranging from cleaning services, to the provision of electricity at Donnybrook etc ?)

Whatever about the past, there is no way we can justify funding a State owned broadcaster like RTE in it's current form, either now or in the future, in my personal opinion.

What do others here think ?


Mr. Earl.