RTE: "If Lynch had invaded"



My God what a pointless programme. Entirely based on "what ifs" and consisting of about 20minutes of footage mismashed together to form an hour and a half programme - if I hear the "will not stand by" speech again the remote is going through the TV!!!

Not impressed this is what my newly paid license fee is going on, especially snince the unlock boxes are on the blink ;-(
Just watching this meself.
Like we need to be told what would happen if the Irish Army went up against the British Army!

Hmm, lemme see......yup, the Irish lads would be slaughtered, Ireland would be a pariah in the international community and even more hell would be unleashed in NI.

Disappointed to see Keelin Shanley involved in it, too. I'd given her more credit, tbh.
Oh dear - not one of RTE's finer moments.....
What was all the panning & zooming of the camera all about? Close ups of peoples nose hairs.... the camera following yer wan Keelin down the road as she was talking over her shoulder....then going out of focus.....it was awfully distracting from the start.

Then the interview with the stereotypical pompus british ex army general referring to the Irish tinpot army.

The baseline story was of interest in the sense that a situation arose in Irish history which put the government on a knife edge position. However the rest was drivel....
Then the interview with the stereotypical pompus british ex army general referring to the Irish tinpot army.
I didn't think he was stereotypical or pompous. He was 100% correct. As an offensive force, the Irish Army is (and was even moreso back then) a non-entity.
The baseline story was of interest in the sense that a situation arose in Irish history which put the government on a knife edge position. However the rest was drivel....
Agreed...we was suckered into watching it.
I didn't think he was stereotypical or pompous. He was 100% correct. As an offensive force, the Irish Army is (and was even more so back then) a non-entity.
Unfortunately you’re right. It makes a lie of the notion that we are a grown-up country. If we were we would be in a position to defend our sovereignty.

Agreed...we was suckered into watching it.

+1.......which is why we switched it off after about 10 minutes.
Next week they are doing another programme along the same lines called “If my Auntie had balls...”
too knackered to watch it (guessed it couldnt be anything other than pure speculation).

Only thing I would say, is that it was a bit of pity that the situation couldnt have been "internationalised", I think it would have been so much better if it had been UN tanks manned by, say, continental Europeans rather than a colonial style British army on a mission to quash the 'bog wogs'.

I think the UK has a veto re the UN so maybe it was never a runner (wasnt it Paddy Hillary who made some noise in New York but to no effect) so doubtful whether massing all the Irish army on the border (without invading) would have raised it to that status of dispute.

Re the British Army, it was probably always a no-win, urged by Stormont to crush republicans, effectively fighting a "war" but not allowed to get on with it (from their point of view). Anyway, I digress.
I think ye're all being a bit harsh on RTE. I mean, where would we be without Fair City
Next week they are doing another programme along the same lines called “If my Auntie had balls...”

TV3/CH4 surely have the rights on that on already with "My auntie has balls"