RTE Guide - inaccurate ratings & film reviews



I was looking through the RTE Guide Christmas special the other day and saw 'The Royal Tenenbaums' film getting 3 stars when shown on one station and 4 stars for another showing on another station a week or so later.

Do they perform any Quality Assurance on this rubbish?

I'd also question whether the 'reviewer' has even seen the film - they refer to Gene Hackmans character as being a 'successful lawyer' - anyone who has seen the film would say otherwise...

The only good thing is I didn't pay for it. I'm ashamed to think that the licence fee keeps this magazine afloat and was used to put a rival out of business a few years ago.
No splitting and I don't think either showing was on RTE - I believe both were unbroken, indeed one was on BBC (if I recall correctly), so wouldn't even have had ad breaks - anyway the review should be of the film, not how it's broadcast so that should be irrelevant.

I only spotted this because the film is one of my favorites and was surprised it only got 3 stars...
Noticed that some of the listings were inaccurate alright. I buy this every christmas but may be put off next year.

Did anyone else notice how many times Xpose was repeated on TV3 over christmas? I was even watching it one morning ( it was very early and I had not yet had a coffee therefore I was incapable of switching over) and one segment of the programme was repeated three times in a row. Or possibly more...but by the third repeat I had summoned the strength of will to find the 'off' button.
I was looking through the RTE Guide Christmas special the other day and saw 'The Royal Tenenbaums' film getting 3 stars when shown on one station and 4 stars for another showing on another station a week or so later.
Maybe it's like a good wine and improves over time?