RTÉ 'Stars' salary cuts

Most of our presenters are 40+ or +++ . We need more young presenters .Actually some of our actors/actresses would do a very good job ,but I suppose money would be an issue for them.
Indeed, more new presenters and more new formats. The Late Late should have been put out of its misery long ago, and Tubridy is just a boring, jaded format. RTE's idea of creativity is to put Miriam in Tubridy's seat for the summer. We need some quality and originality.
Damn it, Gerry Ryan takes the paycut . . .

So we are stuck with all these overpaid talentless gits . . .
Damn it, Gerry Ryan takes the paycut . . .

So we are stuck with all these overpaid talentless gits . . .

Did you hear him (G Ryan) this morning? What a git. He went on for about 10 minutes (honestly, about 10 minutes) before actually saying he would take the pay cut. He wanted us to know how much soul searching he had done, how many people he had spoken to for advice, how wonderful we have been to him over the last 21 years, how much support we have all given him, how we have never given him a "bum steer" in our lives, how he appreciates our valuable support, how he feels for those who will be taking pay cuts all over the place ...... blah blah blah .... before "announcing"(!) that he was now willing to take the cut. Mother of God what a load of codswallop. Just say "I'm taking the cut, folks". Who needs to hear a rant about it .... does anybody really care?!!

I think Gerry's argument is flawed. To say that RTE would not get this advertising revenue if he was not broadcasting is incorrect. Whatever programme or presentor replaced him would still generate a certain amount of advertising revenue. The question is how much extra revenue is generated by him being the presentor as opposed to someone else or something totally different being broadcast in that slot. I bet his impact on the viewing/listening figures isnt as high as he'd like to believe. I dont want to single Gerry Ryan out on this point - he's not the only one who's overpaid.
Slightly of the topic. I've a friend who's worked in broadcasting in the UK for years including for the likes of the BBC. He has visited RTE frequently on various projects. Says that the place is way way way overstaffed - too many people hanging around waiting, too many layers in the broadcast teams, too many "assistants" (he got the impression that most of these "assistants" were friends/relatives of people in RTE and these jobs were created to give them employment). Says the BBC etc. have much smaller and more efficient production teams.
I guess his salary is related, in some way, to the audited radio listenership figures. If he is attracting 500,000 listeners, then advertisers can be charged a premium. If he were to leave, and the next person in that slot were drawing 300,000, advertisers would be charged less ?

I haven't listened to him since choice became available. Today, I would listen to Tom Dunne/Ray D'Arcy, then Tubridy/Kenny, then Phantom, then turn off the radio, before I'd go to 2FM. I no longer have that station as a preset on the car radio.
Couldnt agree with you more!!
How about anyone who takes a pay cut phones his show and goes on about the soul searching and advice from family and those close to them and then those who are have a paycut imposed get an extra 5 minutes to talk about it..hes up his own axse,as for him bringing in revenue through advertising,who knows maybe more companys would be willing to advertise with a different presenter and it may cost them less with him and his inflated salary gone..
I agree with the posters who say no one is queing up to give him a job.Ged rid of him ,a monkey could do the job although a monkey wouldnt profese to know absolutly everything about everthing.
You can bet that some of the presenters on |Newstalk would do a better job for half that price..

Your friend is correct..
I know someone who "works "there,but they laugh when I say that!.... They say they are "Employed" not WORKING for RTE.
They are way overstaffed and have very millitant unions .
I have a friend who went into RTE to do an interview and the TV station on in there had Cornation street on!! thats like working for guinness and drinking bulmers at a works party!! Cornation st is on TV 3,RTE do not broadcast it,theres loyalty for ya!!
Plus they all get free RTE guides.Why?
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Fair play to Gerry Ryan for taking a pay cut,I think he is worth the money he is on with over 350 thousand listeners a day.So well done again Gerry now please lets have some doctors do the same.
Is he considered a potential candidate to move up into the Kenny/Ryan mould ?
Help us Jebus !

Totally agree with you about Brendan O' Connor. Most embarrassing that he isn't from Dublin or Kerry!

In Cork he'd be known as a Brendan O' Connor!
I`m talking about amanda byron or gabriel byrne or colm meaney.
would soon be household names

you care ,since you listened to him. Here's some advice, turn the radio to a different station.
I think the only way RTE can get rid of these ridicously high salaries is if the audience stop listening. Switch off Gerry Ryan and listen to a local station. Switch off the late late and watch something else. Do this for a while, ratings will go to the ground and these guys will be no longer be in such high demand. Then salaries will be dropped and so too might our TV licence. What can I say, I live in hope.

Switch of the late late........nooooooooo

Being a complete cynic here, but do you really think a cosy organisation like RTE will in anyway upset the existing apple cart! They dont want anybody looking through their books and at their wastages, so last thing they want is a high profile, drawn out sacking . .

Its already been mentioned that they are inefficiently run. Seems they need only cry foul to our government and they can increase the tv licence fee (without need for justification, I certainly dont get my monies worth off their stations!), get a few more of their cronies on to the wagebill (and continue overpaying poor talentless gits!).

The same goes for the government, for the obvious mistakes FF have made in the past, the limpness of the financial regulator (towards the banks) . . . The list is endless . . .

People are only complaining now because they have to face up (most havent yet) to the fact that every penny counts and the country can just not afford these "luxuries" anymore. They were happy enough to ignore these issues when they were doing fine in the celtic kitten . .
The ordinary worker is subjected to a pay rate based on supply and demand.
However different rules apply in rte..it really is just a cosy cartel and in these tough times the licence fee should at least be cut in half and salaries slashed.
Also rte should end the crazy practise whereby when they have 2 good films,they clash them by putting one inrte1 and the other on rte2.
A very good service could be maintained for a reduced licence fee in my opinion.
There is so much oppurtunity for cost cutting in my opinion.
As well as cutting top salaries surely rte don`t need foreign correspondents in every far flung place...get the feed from bbc or whatever..it s not as if the political message will be any different.Allthe travel costs and perks will have to be reduced.
I suspect however rte will try to hang on to all its high salaries and perks and will instead reduce its sevice to the public in a bid to save money