Royal Wedding

Despite all me moanin, I suppose it will outshine my Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, which I actually did find somewhat enjoyable.

There's a difference between living off the state and adding nowt in return.

Whether you like the royal family or not,

cost - tens of millions to taxpayer
return - hundreds of millions / billions to taxpayer.

One of the few exports left in the UK.
Pity that they didn't learn anything about the importance of seat belts from Diana's death.

You could argue that others living off the state in the UK also contribute back. First their dole going to sky tv subscriptions and then the revenue generated through appearing on Jeremy Kyle.

However, the Royal Family contribution is based on their property not them. Property that also cost 10s of billions. People would still visit those places whether they had people living there or not.

Dublin, Paris, New York, etc all very popular with tourists and they don't have a Royal Family.
News reports say that Prince William was wearing the uniform of the Irish Guards.

One of my pet hates is UK army regiments who use Irish names i.e. Irish Guards and Royal Irish Regiment. Nobody gave them permission to use our countries names in their army. Could you imagine the fuss if we had regiments called the British Guards or the German Regiment? Particularly if these regiments were fighting in conflicts that we have nothing to do with?

Always thought that we should have stitched a condition into the Anglo Irish Agreement that they change the names these regiments - they probably would have agreed at that time. Anyway, our Government should be pushing the matter now.
Always thought that we should have stitched a condition into the Anglo Irish Agreement that they change the names these regiments - they probably would have agreed at that time. Anyway, our Government should be pushing the matter now.

+1 we should have said: "We'll take your bilateral bailout, but you'll have to change the names of the regiments first."
I watched a small bit on sky news this morning while having my tea and I quite enjoyed the outpouring of positive emotion from the crowd. Anything that brings people together with a set of happy emotions is a good thing!

+1. The UK is in a recession too and this will give their people something to feel good about. It's like a new hope for them...almost Camelot-like. I think it's great that so many people are turning up and she looks, I must say, elegantly beautiful. The only negative thing is that our Sky + box is goona be full!
Will all ye closet royalists be out waving the union jack when Lizzie comes to call? You could join up with Yorrick and get a group discount on a batch of flags from China.
Well, I saw her going down the aisle and her dress was gorgeous. Does anyone remember Diana's big creased yoke?
Does anyone remember Diana's big creased yoke?

I believe the technical term is 'meringue' ? Ah, sure that was the 1980s, the decade when fashion took a couple of worng turns.

The bridesmaid sister ? Pippa ? A round of applause !
She looked beautiful, he looked handsome, a great kiss on the balcony - all good.

Some of the guests wore beautiful outfits, some should shoot their fashion designers!!!

Poor Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, one looked like a gaudy dolly, the other had the most awful head creation that looked like she was wearing antlers.

Harrys on again/off again girlfriend looked rough as anything.

Ben Fogle and his pregnant wife looked great, as did some members of the European royal families.

There have been quite a few Irish Regiments in other armies not just the British Army. It happens a lot, there were also German regiments and Polish regiments in other armies.

I think your view is fairly pathetic, we don't have copyright over the term Irish, like it or not there is a portion of this island that is Irish and British.