Royal Canal Park Viewing 2nd May 2009

Would love to know how many of us will be there, think 40 people origionally emailed on the distribution list
probably a group of people scheduled at diff times when i went we jsut rang the agent when we got there and she came out to us - i think it was lisney new homes
I am going to view the apartments on Saturday from 10am, we are going to view the 3 bed apartments, if we were satisfied with what we see then we would perhaps make an offer.

First yesterday I called DCC and they said we can look at all 3 properties and make a decision, we could put a deposit on the RCP apartments but still view the others, or so I was told.

Then I was told today when I called, that if I dont choose the RCP then I wont be offered anything else, the girl was actually quite rude and frankly didnt sound like she knew what she was talking about.

The apartments are on offer for 238k but I wonder what the value of them is really now. It was a joke how that person didnt BCC everyone, bet they either got fired or got warning at least. Back office chimps and all that.

I think she was saying that to me to pressure me into putting in an offer on the first place we see, part of their scare tactics to get rid of the apartments.

Anyone else been calling the DCC to enquire on the process thus far. Does anyone else think that the scheme is just a gimic or farse and should we all just save a deposit and get a 92% mortgage, this is the dilemma I have to face before we view the RCP on Saturday.

Also called AH to see where we meet on saturday, apparently we follow the magical signs to the holy grail, wow the AH Unit is so good at organizing things, noooooooot. !!!
What the hell is a BCC? I know you are all on to DCC about RCP but I am thinking of opting for the BBC to restore a bit of sanity!
BCC is the field where you type the senders name in an email, for when sending to multiple people without everyone else knowing who your sending the email to,lol.

Just 3 days left to see the apartments, cant wait to make an offer really.
I tried to make an offer on the ground floor but was taken, although I was put on the cancellation list but its not likely the cancellation will happen though. Did you make an offer?