Roy Keane: A Crap Football Manager?


Registered User
I wonder if Roy Keane regrets calling Mick McCarthy "a crap football manager"?
Given Roy's high standards, he must put himself in that category now.

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He's obviously not a people skills guy so its no great surprise that management isnt his thing. I think he overthinks it a bit as well, for instance at Sunderland there was no necessity for him to go at that time.

Re the exchange with Mick, he'd just been accused of faking injury so you can take it he was very much in the red zone and I dont think rational analysis underpinned his comments......

The usual flawed thing, can we get a few Irish heroes who arent flakey or drugged up to their eyeballs?
Year one: He picks Sunderland from last place after 5 games and wins the championship in his first season.

Year two: Keeps Sunderland in the Premiership.

Year three: Resigns leaving Sunderland still in the Premeirship.

Year four: Poor season with Ipswich by previous standards.

Year five: Sacked mid season leaving ipswich in the bottom half of the table, but in what has been a very tight season the team are still only 11 points from play offs and of course are due to play Arsenal in the semi-final of the Carling Cup.

So a crap manager? hardly, but he does seem to get judged on the character of Roy Keane that has been built over the years rather than actual achievements.

We should be encouraging young Irish managers to make real success in football, Keane has yet to reach 40 and there are plenty who would love to write him off unfortunately.
I think the point of the original post was that it's perhaps more apparent to him that football management isn't as easy as he thought it would be.

He's clearly very committed though and it will be interesting to see whether he packs it in or tries again.
Bit selective there MrMan

Sunderland were terrible in the year that Keane jumped before he was pushed and Ipswich have been terrible since he took over at Portman Road.

I backed Ipswich to get promoted last season on 05-Nov at 50/1 when they were in the relegation zone (possibly even rock bottom) and they just never got going, despite several opportunities to pick up 3 points they kept drawing matches. Same story this year.

In 2.5 seasons of management with Sunderland and 1.5 with Ipswich, Keane has had one good season. The rest have been mediocre, at best.

PS - I'm firmly in the Keane camp in terms of the 2002 Saipan debacle but, at the moment, he is notas good a manager as he was a player
Bear in mind also that the previous Ipswich manger was sacked because the team didn't make the play-offs for promotion. They've worsened under Keane.
So far, a better player than manager.
As for Saipan, I think there's a difference between being right and doing the right thing.
(Are we allowed to talk about Saipan? )
good player, crap manager...

And crap player, good manager.

The rule almost everytime.

Crap players seem to have a desire to make something of their career in management, especially if they are Scottish.

Likewise a lot of players seem to think they can strole into management.

The two fields require such different skills and aptitude.

Ok so the first 2 years of his 2.5 years at sunderland were a success. The wage bill has actually reduced since he has been at portman road, so its fair to assume that things didn't happen as expected, but it hasn't worked out this time, but I would hope that he has another crack at it. There are so many hacks like Cascarino and Lawernson enjoying this failure of his that I would enjoy seeing him come through as a good manager in the end.
Nobody can expect to be considered great straight away.
Steve Bruce is a player that has shown that with time great players can adapt to management at a high level.
Perhaps if he could get over his fixation with filling his team with Irishmen and broadened his horizons a little he may be more successfull. No big side will want Keane, or any side with ambition and a Chairman with deep pockets, because Compare Keane with the likes of O'Driscoll at Doncaster and Holloway at Blackpool, when it comes to building a competetive squad and the monies spent the other two knock Keane into a cocked hat.
If you want to follow an aspiring up and coming Irish manager, watch O'Driscoll blossom, Keane is useless......and more !!!!!!
Like who?
Sir Alex Ferguson was a very average player who after a disastrous game against Celtic never played for the ' Gers again but went on to have a reasonable career as a manager !

Far better than his brother Martin ( United's chief European scout ) who was a crap player and manager with Waterford & was eventually run out of town.

Jock Stein was no more than an average player but was a great manager.
My error...I read the post as Good players/crap managers, rather than :
Crap players seem to have a desire to make something of their career in management, especially if they are Scottish.

Gordon strachan of course was far from a crap player, but a poor manager.
Gordon strachan of course was far from a crap player, but a poor manager.

Gordon Strachan was far from a poor manager! He had a better record at Celtic than Martin O'Neill. He just started to take himself too seriously after that (travelling the world studying soccer in other countries to try and improve his own management style) rather than having faith in his own abilities.
The most successful managers of the premiership era are Ferguson, Wenger and Mourinho. Interestingly, none of them successful footballers.
The most successful managers of the premiership era are Ferguson, Wenger and Mourinho. Interestingly, none of them successful footballers.

It always amuses me when it's suggested that Ferguson and Wenger were failures as footballers. Both of them played professionally which means they were a lot better than average and this undoubtedly gave them an edge when they moved into management.