Rowing Machine


Mad Baby

Just wondering has anyone bought/used the York rowing machine availble in Argos for 149.99, and if so, can they give thier opinion as to quality.


Don't know about that one but I think that if you want to maintain the motivation to use a rowing machine regularly, you need to get a top-quality one.

I have one of these:

(I have no relationship with Concept2, just a happy user.)

I have tried cheap ones in the past and not found them pleasant to use.

There's a huge price difference of course but you might be able to find a used one somewhere.
Don't do it!

Think of all those hours locked in your dungeon, chained to your rowing machine...

Not pleasant... :(

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Question for diyguyjoe

I know concept 2 are the best - but just wondering how noisy they are once you get going on them? I was thinking about saving up for one but someone who actually rows and uses them to do ergs said they might be very noisy in a house/apartment (the whooshing of the air in the wheel don'tyaknow)
Indoor Rower

I've a Concept 2 too. (?) Use it on a wooden floor in upstairs bedroom and there's very little noise from it. If you decide to invest then buy direct from and save yourself a fortune!
Do not buy the York rowing machine, this is just a crap toy: we bought one of them a couple of years ago but very quickly it ended up in the attic never to be seen again. I have been using a Concept2 rowing machine for the last four years and it is still in perfect working condition even though it is installed in a non-insulated wooden shed. This is a costlier option but definitely worth it: you can never get bored with it and whatever your fitness level is, you can sweat like hell no problem. We bought it direct from Check the Irish Amateur Rowing Union website to see if no one is selling a second-hand one: there is one currently for sale for 500£ (Belfast though).
I've used the concept 2 (excellent) machines the newer models are quiter than the old ones which made a lot of noise. Has anyone used the rower with the Water tank providing the resistance? Also has any one used the V. Fit models are they any good? There is one for sale in Bray. The cheap ones are only toys.
Yes, I have the Waterrower, which uses the water tank for resistance. I have had it about 10 years and find it very good. The sound from the water is great, and the resistance thru the water is very realistic.... especially if you have ever done any rowing before.
i got a V-fit model from Argos, couldn't afford a Concept 2. The v-fit is fine, not noisy and no problems.

I think it was about £250 iirc.

I have to agree with the other posters, any of the cheap rowing machines, that have the pistons and two arms are just toys.

If you can afford the concept 2 (and are going to use it) then I'd go for it, otherwise the v-fit is fine.