Roundabouts in Cork


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The Kinsale Rd roundabout in Cork is due to have its flyover open soon. Recently I read in De Echo that work on Flyovers for Sarsfield Rd and the Bandon Roundabouts though previously sanctioned ahve been postponed indefinately. Does anyone know if this is still the case?
TBH I didn't hear anything about the flyovers for Sarsfield & Bandon Rd. roundabouts but this guy might be able to confirm it for you... details from Cork City Co website detailing Kinsale Rd flyover.

Bob O'Shea
The National Roads Office,
Richmond, Glanmire,

Tel. No. 021 4821046
Fax. No. 021 4866209
There is supposed to be a delay, but as against that it is good to see they are doing the prep work on the other 2 roundabouts. BTW hats off to the crowd who are doing the Magic Roundabout Flyover, they are doing a top class job.
When exactly is the magic roundabout flyover due to finish??
Mumha said:
BTW hats off to the crowd who are doing the Magic Roundabout Flyover, they are doing a top class job.

Here, here - Ascon are working through the night and week-ends too which is essential for such a busy road. Apparently traffic will be on the new road next week although small works will still be on-going! Great news.
Art said:
When exactly is the magic roundabout flyover due to finish??

As far as I know, the flyover bit will open in the next 3 weeks while the oundabout is being resurfaced. the official openig is scheduled for October 2nd. 7 months ahead of schedule!
I think the reason for the qucik construction has something to do with the deadlines the company were given. Apparently they were given one big deadline and told to beat that rather than given a set of small deadlines which ineveitably end up beig breached with the idea that the time can be made up elsewhere.