I'm hoping someone may be able to help. I am about to submit my Med1 & Med2 expenses for 2006, using the on-line revenue service (as opposed to posting harcopies to local tax office).
Does anyone know
(a) how long it takes for claims to be processed?
(b) whether rebates / refunds are given in (i) tax credits or (ii) cheque.
When I sent in my 2006 returns earlier this year, the refund was credited directly to my account (my option, rather than a cheque) within a week or so. I wasn't notified about the refund, just spotted the extra money in my account!
Another related question - is there a capitation level on the amount refundable (e.g a maximum)? I have ortho and medical bills for 2006, quite large amount but there may be a ceiling on the amount payable?...
Another related question - is there a capitation level on the amount refundable (e.g a maximum)? I have ortho and medical bills for 2006, quite large amount but there may be a ceiling on the amount payable?...
Not that I know of, although in case of very large bills Revenue may seek to view the receipts to be certain that they are all "qualifying expenditure"