room 101

Originally Posted by CGorman
Well I just happen to disagree with many of the supposed problems of the first person...
Did the OP say they were problems? He/she was "having a moan", letting off steam which is a very healthy exercise and the purpose of this forum.
I cannot understand in this country why we complain about things we don't understand fully...
!!!!!!!!! It's a wise man/woman who knows how little s/he knows.

are you familiar with the room 101 television show on BBC that inspired the original post?
My pet hates are:

- On public transport - people who constantly sniff and fidget; who chew and blow bubbles noisily with their chewing gum; who have their music players on too loud; who play all the ring tones on their mobile at top volume.

- In hotels - the plastic sheet that many hotel put under the bottom sheet. Why on earth do they do this - its not like many adults wet the bed. The first thing I do in a hotel is check if there is one on the bed, and take it off if so. They also dont seem to be changed very often, and are covered in hairs. Yuk!
On public transport - ... people who play all the ring tones on their mobile at top volume.

Agree and I'd like to add people who receive a call/text on the bus and look at the phone while its ringing and let it ring out. Could they not put it on silent while the call is ringing??
Products that offer you a "challenge". ie, "Take the actimel challenge for 2 weeks and see if you fell different"?
People who go into the stall next to you in otherwise empty toilets. It's like they can't 'go' without having someone next to them.
property prices...
Also - I really hate the way politicians never answer the question that was asked of them. I know its their job to get reelected but not listening to what is being asked of you is just rude.
people who leave office toilets covered in faeces for someone else to clean