room 101


Registered User
Now I can finally have a moan I just thought I would let you all know what drives me crazy and what I would love to throw into room 101.
1. Wires and cables. Why can't wireless be more available for the likes of televisions etc.
2. Credit Cards. I hate them but I know they are a necessary evil.
3. Solicitors. They never phone back when they say they will.
4. People who go on three holidays a year, buy new car every year and on same salary as yourself.
5. Scratch cards because I have never known anyone who has won big money.
6. Airlines who advertise New York for 99 euro one way and 400 for a return ticket.
7. Those annoying phone calls I keep getting from phone companies trying to change my phone provider.
8. Junk mail.
9. Hairdressers because of the prices they charge.
10. Creches because of the prices they charge.
There I feel a lot better now. Have I forgotton anything?
People who can turn on fog lights in all kinds of weather but cannot switch on indicator at round-about.
6. Airlines who advertise New York for 99 euro one way and 400 for a return ticket.

So if they advertised flights for 400 one way and 800 the round trip you'd be happy cause they are straight with you? If you can get one leg for 99 euro - then be very happy and take arm and all! Low flight prices are allocated according to low levels of demand - if you want them... you've got to be flexible. Price marketing tactics like this are used in every industry.

9. Hairdressers because of the prices they charge.
10. Creches because of the prices they charge.

If you think they are a rip off and making excessive profits - open your own creche and hairdresser and conquer the market with your super low prices! The price of a haircut and a creche stay reflects the underlying costs of providing the service in Ireland (high rent/labour costs) and of course the high demand for good service creches. Hairdressers and creches are not ripping you off - they may be expensive... but that reflects the high cost nature of the Irish economy.

7. Those annoying phone calls I keep getting from phone companies trying to change my phone provider.

Ring your telecom provider. Ask to be put on the coldcall 'opt out' list. Problem sorted.

4. People who go on three holidays a year, buy new car every year and on same salary as yourself.

Does this reflect better financial management by these people, a more savvy approach to using financial instraments to utilise their income... or just your inherant jealousy? BTW: How can you know what other sources of income a person may have - they could be putting in more overtime, investing wisely or doing nixers in the evenings.

2. Credit Cards. I hate them but I know they are a necessary evil.

Just because they exist does'nt oblige you to use them. For example a Marks and Sparks shop exists in Dublin. It is also very expensive. I don't like paying twice the price as Tesco. So therfore I don't use it. I use cheaper and better alternatives. However just because the option to use it exists, does'nt mean I hate it. Credit Cards are not a necessary evil - get a laser card, consolidate your debts with a cheap CC loan or whatever instrament you wish and lead a life without a credit card. Simple.

5. Scratch cards because I have never known anyone who has won big money.

Scratch cards serve three purposes - 1) to support good causes, 2) to give you a mild sense of excitement at the prospect of winning a few euro, 3) to help in the aim of parting a fool from his money. Which reason do you buy them for?

1. Wires and cables. Why can't wireless be more available for the likes of televisions etc.

We now have easy access to wireless PC's, Mouses, keyboards, phones, internet, music players, among other things. If you bothered your head setting up the appropriate system and looking at the costs you could either a) easily see a wireless home entertainment system is a doddle to implement or b) realise the justified high cost of this system does't outway the minor inconvienence of hooking up a few wires

3. Solicitors. They never phone back when they say they will.

Thats a sweeping generalisation. Perhaps the one you've dealt with was rude. The fact is, the market lacks competition and will continue to do so for sometime despite the Competition Authority Report on the Legal Services Industry in 2004 and the Harron Report on Legal Costs in 2006. As we introduce competition (inevitable sooner or later), service will slowly improve.

8. Junk mail.

Fill out the form available and twiddle your thumbs for a few days... hopefully you'll find the situation improve.

(BTW: Sorry to belittle your pet hates... but I love taking the opposite argument in a debate like this! Don't let things like those you outlined get to you! Take life a bit less seriously. Go see a comedian! Then take a weekend break. Lifes too short to let things annoy you!)
Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures.

Next time someone annoys you, remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown
...but it only takes four muscles to extend your arm and SLAP 'em in the head!

If you think they are a rip off and making excessive profits
To be fair that is not what was said.
Yes - I agree.
Credit Cards are not a necessary evil - get a laser card, consolidate your debts with a cheap CC loan or whatever instrament you wish and lead a life without a credit card. Simple.
Yes - I know lots of people who survive happily without a credit card. I even know many who survive happily without a bank account.
Ring your telecom provider. Ask to be put on the coldcall 'opt out' list. Problem sorted.
If only. NTL appears to put you on a "Call frequently - might change mind!" list.

Though there's nothing wrong with credit cards, as a user, provided you sensibly pay them off in full every month, and don't treat the credit limit as a target.
Though there's nothing wrong with credit cards, as a user, provided you sensibly pay them off in full every month, and don't treat the credit limit as a target.

I concur, used wisely the credit card is an excellent tool in budgeting and managing cashflow....
I concur, used wisely the credit card is an excellent tool in budgeting and managing cashflow....

And for breaking into absolutely any apartment in america if you believe the films!
1. That Lemsip ad - "sorts out the men from the boys". If you're sick, go home and stop spreading your germs!
2. Newspaper columns that criticize childless women for being selfish, working mothers for abandoning their kids, and stay-at-home mothers for wasting their talents.
3. People who ask me what my star sign is. I usually tell them i'm skeptical about such things, like most Aquarians.
Work that gets passed to you at 4:30 that has to be done by tonight...

.. and then it doesn't get looked at till next week. Grrr.

what about people who nitpick everything you say?
what about people who nitpick everything you say?

Well I just happen to disagree with many of the supposed problems of the first person... so I stated why IMHO they're not problems. If you think i'm picking on little things, what must you make of a person who lets minute results of their own laziness and ignorance get to them?

I cannot understand in this country why we complain about things we don't understand fully or worse still, about things we cause ourself (the original person complained about cluttered wires... such a tiny problem in a world with so much more important problems).