Roofing over deck



Hi all,
Its me again, back with the questions.
We are currently installing the deck. We are interested to fix a roof on top of it so that we can sit and enjoy the garden even on rainy summer days. Also it will protect the wooden doors and windows opening towards the deck. We had a look at the corrugated PVC sheets in B&Q, but am wondering if there are any other alternatives (not awnings). How strong and durable are these sheets (considering the windy weather)? We are interested to install it ourselves. Any idea where we can get awning material (not awning kit) so that we can fix it to the wooden frame of the roof. I am open to all sorts of suggestions. Please guide me once again.

We did this last year and checked around a good few places for prices on perspex. B+Q were actually very reasonable and we ended up getting the Corotherm product they stick, it was approx 38e per sheet and we needed for a 16ft x 11ft deck about 10 sheets. The pricey part was that you also need to get the gulleys and edging for it so the rain runs off. These were about the same price again, I'd day the whole roof cost approx 700e which while it sounds a lot, is well worth it as it really keeps the breeze off and does an excellent job as a roof and is extremely sturdy and solid. (Absolutey no bother to the roof withstanding snow either)

The regular perspex while a little cheaper wouldnt be as long lasting and does tend to off colour a little. My husband is the expert on it as he did the joists and roof installation himself and didnt find it that tricky.

No info on the canvas awnings I'm afraid as we didnt check into that option.
Thanks Sam,
Well I didn't get time to go out this weekend and check out, will definitely have a look this week sometime. My other problem is I have network of pipes on the side of the wall where the roof will be connected, its a mid terraced house. I am in a dilemma as to how to work around it. Can anybody recommend someone to build a roof over the deck. I have now even started thinking about awnings, although don't know whether I can get transperant awnings from anywhere to let in the sun. If anybody has been in my situation, please guide me.
