Roof slates keep falling off. House only 2 years old



Hi, I moved into a brand new house just under 2 years ago. Homebond still applies. Last night about 4 or 5 slates came off the roof, so you can actually see the timber underneath. The falling slates broke the guttering as well.

This is the 3rd time slates have come off the roof, twice from dropping from the same area. The previous time this happened was just over a week ago. I contacted the builder then and he had a roofer come out to put them back in place, but they mustn't be doing more than a quick patch job as they are not staying up.

I rang this morning again and told him this is not only ridiculous, its dangerous. He said he'd contact the roofer again, but I was wondering does anyone know what my rights are? Am I entitled to have him fix the whole thing properly at no expense given that its reoccuring so regularly? I don't want to have to phone him every time there is a strong wind and I don't want anyone injured or property damaged, least of all my house.

I want it repaired correctly. If he disputes he's responsible for it, can I get my insurance to cover it and then claim through home bond as a major structural defect? Anyone who has been through this I'd appreciate your experience?
why not send a solicitors letter stating poor workmanship and possible danger of falling slate hitting someone. Would cost you very little and gets the issue on record and top of builders agenda.
Otherwise you have to get it surveyed to prove poor workman ship, send to builder, wait for response etc.
Thanks 8till8,

I'm waiting to hear if they intend making an issue of repairing it properly. If they do I think it has to go the solicitor's letter route.
Send him a letter telling him to advise his liabiltiy insurers he should react the way you want his to. If a slate falls onto someone a serious claim could arise.
I'm sure you're aware that a falling slate could give you a very serious head injury. Even if he does repair it how will you know it's been done properly? Do you have anyone you know personally who could double check the work to make sure?