Roncalli Area : Sutton & Bayside


Registered User
just looking at a house in roncalli area of sutton (this is very close to where the kilbarrack road meets the coast road).

Is this sutton or bayside or kilbarrack?
How far to walk to sutton cross and nearest dart station (at howth junction?)

What are the primary schools and the secondary schools (st fintans/ santa sabina?) like in the area?

Sorry for all the questions !
Thanks in advance for any help!
Re: Sutton & Bayside

An interesting question, you might check with Fingal Co Co to see where their area ends down at the coast road. If as I suspect the area where you want to purchase is still within the Fingal Area then your address would be Bayside, Dublin 13 or Bayside, Sutton, Dublin 13 if you're that way inclined. If it's within Dublin City Council then it will be Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 or Kilbarrack, Raheny, Dublin 5.

To walk to the nearest DART station at Howth Junction from the coast road (an uphill battle) can take between 10 & 15 mins. The road is very exposed and it's a nasty walk in the wind and rain. However there are nice wide footpaths on the way up for buggies & wheelchair access etc.

Primary Schools would be Bayside NS which has a great reputation, Scoil Eoin in Kilbarrack (not as great a reputation but good for Special Needs afaik) and then St Peter & Pauls in Baldoyle. St Fintans would be a further walk

Secondary Schools
St Fintans (more male oriented), Santa Sabina (girl only) and Sutton Park (private & they also offer primary education). There is also St Mary's Baldoyle (girl only).

To walk to Sutton Cross from your location would take between 15 - 20 mins, however it's a nice walk along the coast road in the weather.

Re: Sutton & Bayside

thanks for that very detailed info

If I can pick your brains more

Is that area in the catchment area of fintans / sabinas?
Also, is howth junction area safe at night , say walking back from the dart at 11.30?
Re: Sutton & Bayside

I believe that yes it is in the cachement area of Fintans & Santa Sabina (also known as St Dominic's High School) although I would advise you to check with the respective schools directly.

Having lived in that general area myself, I would not consider the Howth Junction area safe to be walking down the Kilbarrack Road at that hour at night and you might perhaps consider making alternate arrangements to get home such as the Number 31/32 bus which goes down the Coast Road from the city centre.
Re: Sutton & Bayside

I have lived in that area until recently (finally moved out of parents!) Anyway, I think the op was very detailed in response but here is my two cents.

Howth Junction T.S has improved in the last year or so with a improved lighting but I would still be a bit nervous getting off the dart at the time. After eleven I would have normally got off at bayside. Roncalli is probably nearer to bayside T.S than howth junction T.S but HJ catches more dart/ mainline services into town and malahide etc.

Bayside shopping centre is currently the subject of a planning application with fingal coco[FO6A/1447] and has become a bit run down, to be honest. It was also previously the subject of a planning appeal

[broken link removed]

Bayside is quite a nice area with the coast road a particularly nice walk/run/cycle. I myself went to Holy faith , Clontarf which had a bus that picked up from the coast road and dropped off again, not sure if this is still the case.
Re: Sutton & Bayside

Yes there still is a Holy Faith bus. If there isn't it has only been discontinued within the last year.
Just seconding Mo3art about Bayside DART station being closer to Roncalli than Howth Junction. On foot, you would be connected via pedestrian lanes - rather than the little longer car route.
Also, while I would second that Bayside national school has an excellent reputation, there are 2 other primary schools within walking distance that also have great reputations 1 is a non-denominational school 'North Bay', and the other is a Gaelscoil - 'Gaelscoil Mide'.
Lastly, Roncalli would have a postal address of Bayside.
Hope that helps!
Regarding location. It's either Kilbarrack, Baldoyle, Sutton in that area. Bayside's a big estate and gotta DART station name - but there's actually NO geographic area of Dublin called Bayside. Even though many people may use the name 'Bayside' as a district name - it's not. The Bayside estate itself is in Sutton.
It depands on which side of the Kilbarrack Road you are. If your the Kilbarrack side your Kilbarrack; If your the bayside side your bayside. Some people around st. margarets ave etc call address raheny instead of kilbarrack out of snobbery so if your that way inclined... I think Kendr is right - anywhere in bayside their offical address is sutton despite to distance from where I would perceive as sutton. As far as I know this area was also kilbarrack a number of years ago but was changed by depol, though I stand corrected on this. Either way it's a good area.