Rome or Madrid


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Cant decide which of these cities to visit. Ryanair have very cheap flights-€78 to Madrid and €166 to Rome for both of us. Want to go end of september and will be 6 months pregnant. Have been to cities in spain before but never italy. Any opinions on either place please!
hi Angies...
I went to Madrid last Feb (got engaged there also)...its a very modern city with a touch of spanish culture. plenty of shopping,parks to chill and very good resteraunts/bars....
I can recommend a hotel (4star) that has a sauna/free internet in room for under 130yoyo p/n.....
I was in Madrid last month and rome last week.

Both are fantastic cities with excellent food, culture, transport network and social life.

if you haven't been to Italy, then you should probably go.

Madrid can be uncomfortably hot in the summer. Rome less so.
Rome all the way for me - in September the weather is normally lovely. So much to see there - you could spend a lifetime in Rome and not see everything. And of course the food is excellent.
yea rome for me also, so much to see, food excellent, aerlingus have a sale since yesterday, but you have to travel between nov 07 and jan 08 and book b4 30 june
Been in both several times - there is no comparison - Rome is for me the world's most amazing city - as a madrilenian told me on my last visit there, Madrid is good, but's it not really an A-List European city, it's nice, it's cool, but it's not up there with Paris, London, Rome.
Sorry, didn't notice the six month pregnancy issue - both cities require a lot of walking, Rome probably more so than Madrid - that may be an issue to consider too.

I live in Madrid and have been a few times to Rome, and would recommend Rome for your weekend, especially since you havn't been to Italy before.

Rome has soo much to see and do - the forum, the colosseum, the trevi fountain, the spanish steps, the piazzas, st peters, and especially the food! Most of these sights are relatively close, so even though you are pregnant, you should be able to get around ok.
Watch a few Audrey Hepburn / Sofia Loren films which are set in Rome before you go, to put you in the mood!
Madrid is nice to visit too, but for that wow factor, I'd recommend Rome.

Rome all the way.
The weather in September is great and the tourist activity has died down on the major sites. The food is fantastic and moderately priced compared to Dublin. Just be aware that there is a lot of walking in the Vatican and forum and a lot of steps in the Colosseum, which might be uncomfortable if your pregnancy is well-advanced.
Thanks for all the opinions! It definitely seems as if rome is the place to go! Going to book the flights and trawl the net for a bargain hotel!
Just back from Rome and yep, Rome is my choice too. Excellent all rounder - monuments, shops, food, etc. etc. but you don't have to do it all at all. You can just take a more relaxed approach and chill out there too. Our favourite part was just relaxing in the Borghese Gardens, overlooking the city, watching the world go by!
Hi Angies,
I haven't been to Madrid, so can't say yea or nay on that score. But I know Rome - it's beautiful and September is the perfect time to go.
As others have observed it can involve a lot of walking. But that's easily solved by buying an all-in ticket - a 'biglietto integrale' which will allow you to travel on any city transport - the metro, trams and buses. Just remember to punch it into the machine on board whichever vehicle you get on - otherwise the inspectors get very hot under the collar!
You can buy these tickets in most tobacconists (look for the big T sign outside) or newsagents/kiosks.
Good luck with making your choice.
Madrid is great really enjoyed my trip. But Rome is in a different league. Its the most beautiful intererestinf and fascinating city on earth.
Rome has definitley been sold to me. Need to book a hotel now but there are so many different areas to choose from. Where is best for the touristy things close at hand and not to have to travel to far for things?