The price may or may not be a good one. You say that it has planning for a block of apartments. You need to check that out throughly and see the documentation.
There are 3 steps in the planning process in Romania. The first of which is to obtain whats called a 'Certificat de Urbanism'. This is little more than a stamped declaration issued by the town hall as to what might be built on the site. It's NOT a permission to build and is in no way binding upon the local authority.
The second document is what's called a 'Plan de urbanism si dezvoltare' or PUD. This is issued when the architectural plans have been submitted to, and approved by, the local council and chief architect. It's what we might refer to as an outline planning approval. If you have this then you probably will get full planning permission assuming you don't significantly change the plans for your final submission.
The final document, and the most important, is the 'Autorizatie de constructie' or building permit, i.e you've achieved full planning permission.
If you only have the first document then be careful! You MUST check the 'Regim de inaltime' for the zone you are building in. This is the maximum allowable height for the building under the local zoning laws.
At the price you are quoting then I'd say that you would have to be looking at being allowed to build P+6 (ground floor plus 6 additional floors) to be able to profit from it. Ideally you'd want to go more, say P+8-10.
Have you seen the site? If it's standing in the middle of a low rise residential development then I'd say you haven't much chance of better than P+4. No profit in that at the quoted price. This years construction costs are likely to be in the region of 380 - 420 Euros per square metre + VAT and you will most likely only be able to develop around 60% of the surface area of the site. You sholud also build in about 20% into the built surface area of the development to allow for common areas (stairwells, halls, lobby etc) when making your calculations.
If it's only 1km from the central business district and standing beside a high rise block of say 10 floors then it's probably a good deal assuming you don't get objections from the neighbours at the PUD stage (you'll need a minimum of 2 neighbours to agree to the development to be granted you PUD).
You may say, 'Ah well! Sure I'M not going to develop the site!' ,but people coming after you and wishing to purchase it from you in a couple of years time will be VERY concerned about these issues so tread carefully.
I'm currently in the final stages of a grant of full planning for a 15 room Hotel on a 650 sqr metre site so I know the issues as I've come across them. My original intention was to build apartments on this site too but I was only allowed P+4. I'm waiting for the grant of full planning now and then I'll sell it to build apartments on another site (yet to be purchased) with a friend of mine.
As a final thought I'd guess that your site has only got the 'Certificat de urbanism' or it is only destined for a relatively low rise development, otherwise the price, at that distance from a major city business district in Romania, seems a bit cheap if anything.
Also remember to check title, title, title, title, title..............