Romance for married men


Registered User
Never forget that your wife is a romantic. She still enjoys wine, flowers and chocolate. Let her know that you, too, remember these things, by speaking of them occasionally.
Never forget that your wife is a romantic. She still enjoys wine, flowers and chocolate. Let her know that you, too, remember these things, by speaking of them occasionally.

Ah the old get off the hook with girlie gifts clause eh?

C'mon, what did you do? ;)
Never forget that your wife is a romantic. She still enjoys wine, flowers and chocolate. Let her know that you, too, remember these things, by speaking of them occasionally.


Took your advice. Spoke of my intention to buy her wine, flowers and chocolate at some point in the future. She seemed pleased.


Took your advice. Spoke of my intention to buy her wine, flowers and chocolate at some point in the future. She seemed pleased.



Reminds me of another Jimmy Carr one:

"I have no problems with buying tampons. I am a fairly modern man. But apparently they're not a "proper" present."
The thread was started last night at roughly the same time as half time in the Man Utd game. Maybe Bill wanted to see the second half?
I think Bill got into a spot of trouble after he bought his wife something really useful for her birthday :)
DB74/ Staples

I'm delighted that someone else has a similar sense of humour to myself. I found it really funny when I read it in my Big Book Of Jokes, Subsection; Irony.
DB74/ Staples

I'm delighted that someone else has a similar sense of humour to myself. I found it really funny when I read it in my Big Book Of Jokes, Subsection; Irony.
I thought it was funny as well :D
Let her know that you, too, remember these things, by speaking of them occasionally.

Ah, the old 'I meant to trick' which puts her in good humour because his intentions were good but he was just so busy he didn't get around to it :)
You will never go wrong with a nice selection of tea towels