Role of ptsb's public interest directors

Brendan Burgess

Ray McSharry and Margaret Hayes, public interest directors of ptsb, appeared before the [broken link removed]Committee today.

I wonder if they were asked about whether they had voted for all the increases in the SVR?
Looks like Alan shatter was not impressed with Mr mcsharrys comments yesterday . No debt write down for unsubstanible debt .
Discussion on pat kenny this morning about the personel insolvency bill and according to Stephen donnelly its a sham as the banks can chase you for another 5 years for the money owed . Making it 8 years not 3 years for bankruptcies.
Mr mcSharrys comments about not being given a brief would be more worrying but sadly not surprising. So why are they even on the board if they they dont know what their role is supposed to be