Robswall - Malahide



Anyone got any information on this development?

In particular:

  • Phase 4 release dates/indicative prices etc. - appears to be nearing completion.
  • Build quality within the development to date
  • Any issues with developer particularly reliability or otherwise of completion dates.
  • Any issues with soundproofing?
Any help appreciated as seriously considering purchasing in next phase.
Hi Qunechquat

A few months ago I bought a two bed duplex in the development. At the time it cost €500k. 6 weeks later the price had gone to €530k. Not sure how much the next phase will go up by. I guess rising interest rates might put a dampener on that upward momentum.

As for build quality - I haven't heard anything adverse - both the builder and developer have a good rep.

I was due to get the keys about 4 weeks ago - however its looking like another 3 -4 week wait - which in the general scheme of things is not a big deal. Builders holidays and a delay in getting the snag list to the builder didn't help.

I would be interested to hear what people have to say about the rental market for rooms in the Malahide area. I was surprised to see very few rooms to rent (under accommodation sharing) on - does this mean that demand in the area is weak - or is there just a shortage of supply?
Thanks for the feedback Yogi,

Just noticed a 4 bed terraced has hit the market on asking €1.4m!!

Rising interest rates don't appear to dampening enthusiasm too much!