Robbing Items From Grave


Registered User
am so angry, went to my dads grave yesterday only to discover items which we had placed there had been stolen! who would do this and why? how can people be so callous!
Moffy01 thats awful. Its just mindless crime. Report it to whoever looks after the graveyard. I do know sometimes graveyard maintenance will remove dead flowers, but am assuming you are talking about more permanent items.
Has happened my family before. Worst was an ornament (engraved at the bottom) we had taken and put on a grave nearby.

People are very strange.
Sorry to hear that Moffy. Its a horrible thing to happen. Sad state of affairs that people would do that but nothing would amaze you anymore. The mentality of some people is very hard to understand.
Can be quite innocent, things get blown around, children pick things up, a funeral may have passed through with people accidentally knocking things over.

If you see an item on another grave chances are high that someone tried to tidy up and guessed incorrectly which grave it belonged to. Can move again if people then recognize that the item wasn't intended for that grave.

Not really when the name of the deceased was on the ornament. Also flowers were taken from other graves and placed on this one grave. They came to the grave once a year and just decided to steal to make it look better.
I've heard about people stealing ornaments and stones with poems written on them, etc. and selling these at markets. Absolutely terrible.
Can be quite innocent, things get blown around, children pick things up, a funeral may have passed through with people accidentally knocking things over.

If you see an item on another grave chances are high that someone tried to tidy up and guessed incorrectly which grave it belonged to. Can move again if people then recognize that the item wasn't intended for that grave.[/QUOTE]

yes that is what we thought when the first item went missing, we looked everywhere convinced that it was just blown away (even though this was most unlikely considering the weight of the item) or that an animal had taken it - didn't even consider the possibility that someone would have taken it, then a large stone went missing - no gust of wind or animal would have moved it. am so upset on 2 counts - the missing items - and that there are people in this world who would steal from a grave.