Robbie concert

Please post stuff like this in Shooting the Breeze. I had to move the thread from its original location.
Well he said there would be and even went as far as putting his manager on the spot, so hopefully it'll happen. There's no information on the promoter's website or on his own website yet, but I'll check it and post back if I hear anything.

I've kept my ticket just in case that's how they're going to re-allocate seats.
I know it hard to campare them like for like but his last concert in the park was a 1000 times better and i could not even see him then. Aloowing for the error at the end where the drop thing did not work there was also a good few songs where he for the words.

Damn it robbie we deserve a free one :)
What exactly happened to make him offer a free concert..It must have pretty bad .
ZEGAR said:
What exactly happened to make him offer a free concert..It must have pretty bad .
2nd last song - 'let me entertain you' - he appeared above / left of the stage on a platform. He was then supposed to get into a gondola and be brought down to stage level, but it didn't work and he had to run down the stairs behind the stage.

He seemed a bit shaken by what happened - mentioned being stranded 100ft in the air in his usual colourful language! :rolleyes:

I've sent an e-mail to request more details about the free concert - will post if I get a response.
ZEGAR said:
Hardly cause for a free concert ???
Agree with you totally, considering that we didn't know that the gondola stunt had been planned in the first place.
there was also a good few songs where he forgot the words.
We thought that his microphone wasn't working properly - maybe he did forget the words?

Overall it was a good show, I enjoyed it and will be happy to go again if he does come up with the freebee. :)
i wonder does the bowl shape of Croke park play havoc with the acoustics. U2 sound was fairly rubbish as well....are the stands too high and causing feedback/distortions...
Assume that it's free to those who held on to their ticket stubs for the Friday concert ? If not, the Gardai would rule it out on any other basis. Remember U2 floating the idea of a free concert and how that turned out ?

Assume that the Croke Park residents would permit another summer concert to be held ?

Assume the GAA can accomodate his schedule ?

A lot of assumptions, and the acoustics won't improve in the meantime.
Personally if he was playing free out in my back garden would not go to see him

Croke Park is getting Worse starting off with Garth Brooks, then recently Bon Jovi and then Robbie

Forget about Rugby or Soccer please I pray to Thomas Croke none of the above come back

As a venue not that great for acoustics even for the Gaelic matches and your in the stand you cannot hear the announcements
its about time we had some purpose built arenas for large gigs other than concert halls and the point. im sure its possible to get the accoustics right in croker if enough time/money is put into it which it should be given the revenue a croke park concert generates.