Road Traffic Act - Parking on Public Road.


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A neighbour is parking her car outside my house and leaving it there for long periods of time. Anything from a few days to a month. Is there any Road Traffic Act that I can call on to have this practice stopped.
If the car has valid tax and insurance, and is not blocking your entry to your premises, I'm afraid there's little you can do... It's a public road... Nobody has individual ownership of it!...
Do you mean your neighbour's car is blocking your driveway entrance? If she so, report her to the Guards, she can be prosecuted.
No it's just left partly on the road and partly on the footpath outside our house for anything up to a month at a time. Her father does the same with his car outside another neighbours house and her mother does the same outside yet another neighbours house. They could park all three cars outside their own house if they wanted.
It just means that we can'y use the space nor can visitors to our house. Yes, we have spoken to them.
I just thought that there might be some law that stops people from abandoning their car on a public roadway for long periods of time.
Isn't it illegal to park on a footpath (not sure if it applies to "partly" as you mentioned)?
No it's just left partly on the road and partly on the footpath outside our house for anything up to a month at a time. Her father does the same with his car outside another neighbours house and her mother does the same outside yet another neighbours house. They could park all three cars outside their own house if they wanted.
It just means that we can'y use the space nor can visitors to our house. Yes, we have spoken to them.
I just thought that there might be some law that stops people from abandoning their car on a public roadway for long periods of time.

just tell your visitors to park outside their homes, would that work?