Road Deaths


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Now that Uncle Gabo has been appointed chairman of the road thingy, Road Safety Authority. Can anyone find a way of viewing their points or try to help the man who is going to cut the biggest treat to all our lives in this small country.Any mail address or anything, He don't even have a committee or board set up yet chairman of nothing and he is going to get a measly 13g a year for the job, Until he gets something to be chairman of I'd like to view my opion of what I think might help here if its ok?. First of all lets look at statistics
January 31 people killed,
9 pedestrians,Maybe if they brought in a law about arm bands being compulsory or on the spot fine for not wearing one, would people wear them at night, at least they would be seen,I know black is a very popular colour when your out for a night.
10 non nationals, I know of a non national who bought a car near me and He came and chucked the car up the road trying to get gears as he went away with his new prize, He had a license but seemly didn't know how to drive,Now if you never had a descent wage and you got a Job with 3 or 4 times your usual wage you'd get a car I know thies people have licenses etc but could they actually afford cars before they came to this country, Imagine what would happen if you gave 90% of 17 year olds cars?.Poland for instance would have 100 road deaths over the easter,Why is there not a rules of the road in their language given to them as they come into the country or a few conditions of stay like there are conditions as you go to America, Az, Nz etc
That leaves 11 unexplained, Drink and speeding Clamp downs we hear, What about drug clamp downs, I've seen young people snorting in their cars, and why wouldn't they,no smell of drink if stopped and no better fun on a night out. How many people are killed in lone car crashes? No shame to family and a lot warmer than the river I think. I wont go to Feb now Maybe if Gaybo could could just see whats going on around him and get a few guide lines in place like I've pointed out it might save just a few lives. Would it help???.What have you seen?
Heard a report about EU driving , one topic was breath testing for drink, top was Finland with 1 in 4 been tested each year, I think we where something terrible not sure of figure just heard guy saying Ireland was terriable for testing, not wearing a seat belt is a big cause for deaths for passenger's in cars, I think the garda have to get tougher real tough, now a garda must give 2 penalty points if driver is not wearing a seat belt, I think that should be extended to a passenger with a full licence aswell , a fine does not send the message home, also they said in Finland that speeding fines are determined by your wages, one guy in Helsinki got a fine for speeding of over 200K he is a whizzkid with his own computer company,
The Gardai need more than a 2 day crackdown on road deaths, they need a 24/7/365 crackdown.
the Polish ambassador in a radio invertiew for the news stated that Poles like to drive fast, and we have to educate them to driver slower in this country.
This is ridiculous. We are 8th out of the 25 EU countries in terms of how few people die on the roads. That's better than average. And don't get me wrong - it would be great to be 1st - but all this attention on public responsibility is diverting attention from government responsibility regarding such things as the health crises and waste of public money. It is a master stroke on the governments part and we have swallowed it.

I actually thought I was the only person in the country who suspected this! Glad to read that I'm not alone. Imho, the hysteria regarding "Drink driving" (note not "Drunk driving", which is a different issue altogether) is distracting from other contributory factors to this problem, and from the State's other problems in the health service and elsewhere.

I have a couple of what I think are fairly simple measures that should help to reduce road deaths. They are so simple (no. 1 in particular) that I'm amazed the govt have never addressed them.

1. Compel all vehicles on public roads to switch on dipped headlights 24 hours a day, regardless of weather conditions.

2. Organise the issue of a free high-visibility bib or belt to every person in the country as per census returns. If this is not feasible, make them available in local corner shops or lotto outlets. To meet the cost, have a sponsor's logo appear on the bib or belt. Make it an offence for a pedestrian to walk on the side of an "unlit road" in the hours of darkness unless they are wearing this item, or a similar item. For this purpose, "unlit road" means any road or street accessible to vehicles but without public lighting.