Road Construction through council


Registered User
Hi, i am currently starting the planning process to (eventually) build a house in South Kilkenny. A site i have choosen to build on is down a country road which is not in great condition. It is not so bad as to stop me building and sight lines are not an issue. I have spoken to the council and there are no plans to fix it anytime soon. The person i spoke to mentioned a community scheme whereby i (and possibly some others on the road) could pay 25% of the cost of fixing the road and the council would pay 75%. The stretch of road which would need to be fixed is approx 1/4 to 1/3 of a mile. Would anyone have any knowledge or experience of this? Or how much it would be likely to cost? I have no idea and the person i spoke to in the council could not give me a ballpark figure. I'd imagine there is an estimate cost per mile. If it was going to cost 20000 (of which i would have to pay 5000) i would apply but if it was 100000 it would be too expensive