River Towers-Cork

If I found A GHOST living in my appartment I'd ask the freeloader to pay half the bloody rent, that alone should be enough to scare them off
I know nobody who'd live there! I'm not supersitious myself but subscribe to the idea that if there is anywhere on earth that's going to be haunted it's going to be there. Like it or not this is a common viewpoint in Cork so presumably will affect the resale value is some way.
hi all.. not scare etc but there was a piece last week on the cover of one of the free papers in Cork(Cork independent ,i think) that the city council has purchased a large qty of properties (80 i think) in one of the develpoments in either this one or the other one currently been built.. i have thrown out the paper so what i have said above in open to dispute
Most of the River Towers apartments have been sold - so it can't be there!
I read the same, no corroboration that I could find, but the first paragraph of the Cork Independent article says "Cork City Council are set to obtain more than 90 apartments in the Atkins Hall development (formerly Our Lady's hospital) for social housing. Then names a couple councillors upset by the news.
just to update i got this from another thread on here when i asked the question
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Posts: 216
Re: Shanakiel Affordable Housing Cork
Originally Posted by therave
did anybody see the piece in the Cork independent free newspaper last week.. it mentioned that the council had bought aparments in the shankiel area..are these tied to this development or the river towers developent ?

The council recently got a grant of €24,000,000 from the government. They used the money to purchase 96 flats in Atkins Hall from a private developer. These will be allocated exclusively to elderly people who are downsizing i.e. giving up their existing council house. Its a good idea but I still wonder why they would not instead use Part V to acquire housing.
The Council have bought 90 apartments in the Atkins Hall development which is in front of River towers (the old hospital). They will mainly be assigned to older people who have council houses who will in turn give their own house to the Council which will then help house families who are on the Council list. I read it in the Echo paper the other day and it said that they were at the final stages of purchasing the apartments.
Not the most suitable building for the elderly - the building to front is accessed by a number of flights of stairs.
I am living in River Towers, the block behind Atkins Hall. The downsizing scheme will be for older people (>60 years) from the private sector too. Similar thing to what's happened with the Lions Club in Bishopstown I would reckon. I welcome it to be honest as I think it might develop the place with amenities, good bus route etc.
I live in one of the apartments in Atkins Hall and absolutely love it. Loads of space and amazing views. Anyone who has visited me comments on how unique and beautiful it is - like a New York loft apartment! Its so handy for town as well.

I have only just heard about the Council buying 96 of the apartments in Atkins Hall and it came as a bit of a shock. I really hope they keep to their word about what they are to be used for but I have my doubts.... Its not like the Council have been honest with us to date. This has obviously been in the pipeline for a long time and I think its unfair that residents have only been informed recently. I only moved in a month or so ago and I feel that I should have been told about the Council's plans before I signed my contract.
What exactly have the Council said regarding their plans? I too heard that they were planning to buy 96 flats but haven't heard much about it. I'm not a resident but a member of my family is and this could become a bit of a worry.
Some of the residents in our place met with the council and some local councillors about this. They have assured them that it is for downsizing. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. As I said, the council has the potential to really develop the place which will drive up the property prices (that’s what I am hoping anyway). It was proposed at the AGM the other night to build a conference centre on the grounds….might be interesting.
I have spoken to various councillors in Cork over the last few days about these 96 apartments and have been told by all of them that the intention is to use them to house people who are downsizing from their homes. The Corporation intends to purchase their homes from them for a lump sum payment and offer them an apartment in Atkins Hall to rent from the Corporation for a % of their income.

I also asked what would happen if they could not fill all 96 apartments with people downsizing and was told that some of the apartments might then be offered under the Affordable Housing scheme.

All of the people I have spoken to about this, both in the Council and in auctioneering circles, do not think that apartment values will fall if they place the people they are saying they will place in the 96 apartments. In fact, if the management of the buildiing is improved, and services added, like a bus route, shop etc, it will be an big advantage to the current residents.

Fingers crossed....
Interesting - I've heard same. Interesting tiimes ahead. Btw, there are no ghosts... sadly Might as well add, I am longterm resident of River Towers.
I think the council buying 96 apartments there will be a good thing in that facilities will have to improve. Old people have a lot of clout with local politicans, turning up at clinics etc, and in turn politicans put pressure on council employees so if there is anything wrong within the apartment block then I would expect it to be sorted faster than it may be at present.
All in all it would be a good thing.
We have been renting in the old building now for 6months and are now moving out. The place is so damp and as a result the apartment is now covered in mould, especially the bedrooms.
Also it is quite dark and I have to say gloomy. Usually I am quite sceptic about all these ghost stories but I can honestly say I don't like staying here alone and it can be quite eerie.
There's no double glazing and the lighting outside is atrocious, can barely see at night at all.
Also there's no securuity at all and lots of people come up in the cars at night hanging around and looking at the view (which is the best part!)

We have storage heaters also which is awful. For 2months the bill arrived at 500euro and I can swear the place was never warm! It's a nightmare to heat.

6months ago we were delighted with it, looked great, close to city etc. But now we can't wait to leave.

Also traffic over the bridge is very bad at peak times. And Centra down there is the nearest shop for a bottle of milk.

I wouldn't advise anyone to rent, let alone buy one of these apartments.
Someone I met through work recently told me that he is renting there (the old long building at the front) and that you can hear absolutely everything in the adjoining apartments - literally drawers being opened/closed, cutlery placed on table, and I won't go into the rest of what he can hear!!

I went up there to view an apartment with a view to purchase but was put off by the massive piles of rubbish behind both main buildings - especially considering that the management fee was in the region of €1300 I think at the time (late 06/early 07).
I know in the past around 2006 there were problems with the management company. They owed refuse companies a lot of money and as a result no refuse was being collected. The company also had problems with block insurance on some of the apartments it managed. I can't remember which ones. If I were an owner of an apartment in River Towers I would request a copy of the block insurance for my peace of mind
I have been interviewed for the atkins hall apartments by city hall. any information or advice would be very weclome.