Rip Off Ireland? - Cut Off Ireland!



I found the following on Youtube. Now, I used to be a happy ESB customer but am now with BG, so my loyalties are divided. I do think the video makes a fair point (if in an overly-sinister style... nice music though). I think the finger is really being pointed at the regulator rather than at BG anyway (and perhaps at ruthless private enterprises like Airtricity, who contribute nothing to the exchequer).

Now, with prices going up again this month, and disconnections going through the roof (the video says they've doubled) - I mean, disconnection and reconnection; that's €200 (more or less) extra per household, on top of the debt that already got them disconnected.

Helpful? Hardly.

Go to Youtube and post the above after the .com (I'm not allowed to post a URL unless I've 15 or more posts, as I'm new here - if someone else could post it, it would be helpful! :eek:)
The video doesn't really make any point beyond 'ESB might not be as bad as we think...' and 'oooohhhh.... big business..... OOOOHHHHHHH'.

Certainly didn't tell me anything new.

1 min 53 secs of my life gone...! :)
The problem here is people do not read their terms and conditions. If they are going to be slow payers they should never switch in the first place.