Rights while on Parental Leave


Registered User

Quick question - if someone goes on parental leave, let's say for a third of a quarter and has a bonus system in the company additionally to the main set salary. Can the employer still set the same goals for this person as they do for the co-workers who work the full 12 weeks OR should they adjust the goals specifically to the 8 weeks for the parental leave person i.e. parental leave person has same goals but smaller percentage to reach them?

Just asking because I know they make exceptions for people returning from maternity leave if they didn't work a full quarter and I was wondering if it's down to company practice or actually set in stone somewhere legally.

Thanks for any advice, feedback, views...
Hi Alaska, Just wondering if you ever got an answer to this query. ie would an employee be entitled to average bonus for a period on paid maternity leave (I understand she wouldn't be for unpaid maternity leave)


Quick question - if someone goes on parental leave, let's say for a third of a quarter and has a bonus system in the company additionally to the main set salary. Can the employer still set the same goals for this person as they do for the co-workers who work the full 12 weeks OR should they adjust the goals specifically to the 8 weeks for the parental leave person i.e. parental leave person has same goals but smaller percentage to reach them?

Quick Reply:-

1. Yes same goals can be set for people on Parental Leave.
2. What your employer should do is a matter for discussion.