Rights/Responsibilities of Residents Association


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I am wondering if any people here have any experience of Resident's Associations in terms of what should/shouldn't be done, how they are run etc. ( for the record we do not have a management company/agent who oversees things)

Our situation is, last week a note was pushed through our door stating that the Residents were holding a meeting that evening on on one of the communal spaces. There was no contact information on the note and we were unable to attend due to prior engagement.

Our neighbours, on either side of us were both away so they too would not be there.

Last night a further note was put through the door, this time with a standing order mandate attached! asking every household to contribute 10euro a month to a newly set up Current Account, to cover the cost of maintaining and planting in communal areas.

This afternoon I was fairly horrified to learn that 3 fairly mature trees ( planted before the estate was built 6 years ago) on the largest communal area had been chopped down without warning by some residents. There are 3 communal areas on our street (which is kind of U shaped, with there being only 1 entrance to the street by car the other end is grassed over with a foot path ) the biggest of which is in the U bend and is overseen by dozens of houses, this is where the trees were and is the only area that has ever been tended to by the developer, the other areas have been looked after by near neighbours - including ourselves. It's interesting that the house numbers we have been asked to return the mandates to are directly over the large area and my feeling is we are being asked to contribute so they can have a nice space to look at.

What is infuriating me most is that the area has been used for all the kids on the street to play and now it seems this self appointed group are attempting to turn it into their own garden almost. My son's friend was apparently told not to play hurling on the green as it might damage the shrubs!

Speaking to the woman who lives next door, we agreed that in theory these things are a great idea but we do have concerns - particularly _

How they arrived at this contribution amount ( which will amount to almost 10K a year if everyone paid up!)
Do they have a budget drawn up and will we receive regular statements to show how the money is being spent?
Do they have the right to alter/determine the use of communal areas without consulting ALL residents?
Who are the trustees of the accounts and who elected them

There are other minor niggles too but those are our main ones!

I would like to approach them in a friendly civil manner as I am sure they are entirely well intentioned but perhaps haven't really thought it through, I would even like to be involved but havent actually approached all the residents to discuss setting up the association and have just done it themselves.

Any pointers/advice would be appreciated.
The only way to get answers is to speak to someone who is on the Committee. Presumingly Committee members were elected at the group meeting, although its normally who can be cajoled into volunteering! If they had to consult all residents before doing anything, it would defeat the whole purpose of electing a Committee to represent the residents.

I doubt you will recieve regular statements, but there will be an AGM where you will see the accounts and be able to put yourself up for election.

Its great that you have such an interest, you should definitely approach someone on the Committee and ask to be co-opted on.

10e a month does seem a lot though, 50e a year is more common I think.
SarahMc said:
10e a month does seem a lot though, 50e a year is more common I think.
I'd echo that. Tread warily — I'm all for Residents Associations, but I've noticed that sometimes they tend to attract, ehm, well-intentioned zealots...
It's interesting that the house numbers we have been asked to return the mandates to are directly over the large area and my feeling is we are being asked to contribute so they can have a nice space to look at.

I am not so sure though, they havent actually told us who was elected etc, for all we know due to the last minute nature of the meeting maybe only 2 or 3 people attended and elected themselves. I wouldn't have expected them to do something as drastic as chopping down 3 mature trees on our green area without at very least informing people

DrMoriarty said:
I'd echo that. Tread warily — I'm all for Residents Associations, but I've noticed that sometimes they tend to attract, ehm, well-intentioned zealots...
That's what worries me!

Exactly! I am going to wait for them to come round asking why we haven't returned the mandate to see what is going on
10e a month does seem a lot though, 50e a year is more common I think.

€100-€120 per year is more common in my experience - it depends on what needs to be done, how much grass needs cutting, etc. In my experience as chair of a residents association, it's a pretty thankless task. That's not to say that there aren't 'well-intentioned zealots' involved in your case, but if you want an input on what the committe does then get involved. Don't wait for them to come around, perhaps they have lives too and don't need to waste their time chasing payments? I suggest you go to them and arrange a meeting , then send out a notice to all residents with sufficient notice for everyone to be able to attend and express your opinion there.
Was chairman myself of a committee that had as it's membership probably 80% of residents. The balance were the minority that didn't care, or were tenants.

We would never have done what transpired in your case
a) the short notice period
b) fail to circulate minutes for those that could not attend
c) take the kind of destructive action that was done in your case

So separate out your possible interest in being involved long-term in the running of the association. They way this was done, and what was done is simply unacceptable. Find out who attended, who was elected, and make it clear that until the association is kicked off on a sound footing, no money will be paid and no further action should be taken
I'm with Dearg Doom on this one.

We pay €100 pa and have done so for a number of years - just over 50 houses.

You can't make decisions if you don't get on the committee. Our committee works well. About 4 of the households don't pay each year. It is expensive to keep a development looking well - grass cutting, upkeep of landscaped areas, development of new landscaped areas. The residents are given an Income and Expenditure account at the end of year year. On the whole, the residents are happy to let the same committee remain - nobody else ever turns up at the AGM. We interpret this to mean that they must be very happy with the work done by the committee on everybody's behalf.

Thanks for the views.

I am going to talk to my neighbour and see if she will come round with me, I know she had the same concerns as me and if there are a couple of us I think it would look better. We both said we wouldn't mind paying the money but not until we know how they arrived at the figure, what we can expect for it and so on, and we definitely feel they need to communicate better and not take such drastic actions without ensuring people are aware what is going on beforehand.