Right to inspect nearby property


Registered User
A large detached house is to be demolished and a new large residence will be erected. People involved have sought access to an adjacent property to carry out some kind of survey so that in event of a claim for damage later on this survey will show if the damage was already existant. Is this usual?
Is it possible or probable that the demolition and subsequent construction work will damage the adjacent property? Are these properties on a hill?
I know a friend of mine who owned a semi detached building was asked if a survey could be completed prior to work starting on next door house to ensure they could quantify damage, if any, was caused to her property.

It might not be a bad idea, new house was built beside me lately and the thumping used to make mine practically vibrate. I have lots of new small cracks in ceiling that were not there before, coincidence!
I have a property in an estate built a few decades ago, there had been a fault line in the estate and some properties subsided. Then during the boom a builder wanted to build a large estate next door, kind of overlooking. He had obviously heard about the subsidence so sent a solicitors letter to everyone saying that they wanted to inspect and if they couldn't then any damage later caused could not be blamed on them (that was the gist of it). In my case I never responded, I ran it by my solicitor and decided to ignore them. That was a while ago, but I probably thought if they do damage then I'll go after them, no damage occured, but even if it had builder is long since evaporated. Hope this is of help to you Dewdrop.