Right Price Cars


Registered User
Has anybody ever dealt with this company and do you have any experiences, good or bad? They are based in Prussia St and Santry.
I wasn't enquiring about their location, I know where they are! The question was about if anybody had good/bad experiences with this company.
bought a car off them last year. No problems (yet!!!). Got the 2nd key story also, but they did eventually hand it over after 2 weeks or so
so far so good
Excuse my ignorance, but what is the story about the 2nd key? I'm looking at an 11D Focus, but I heard on the radio yesterday that the Focus is the most "clocked" car on the market at the moment????
I wasn't enquiring about their location, I know where they are! The question was about if anybody had good/bad experiences with this company.

I wasn't referring you to Google to get their location but to see their reviews on Boards etc.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is the story about the 2nd key? I'm looking at an 11D Focus, but I heard on the radio yesterday that the Focus is the most "clocked" car on the market at the moment????

Not sure what you mean> I was saying that the car I bought ( a focus) was to have 2 keys. When I got it, they only handed over 1 and said they did'nt have the 2nd key to hand. But after a few phones calls, they eventually got it and handed it over