Ridiculous distribution policy of Herald AM and Metro


Registered User
Someone elses mention of Herald AM on AAM this morning has reminded me of something that's totally baffled me recently. I've started to commute by bus to the city centre for work every morning since June. Previous to that I was driving around the M50 to a suburban business park for work.

Each morning now when I get off the bus on D'Olier street, I'm approached by the Herald AM and Metro distribution people handing out their morning free papers.

What is the point of handing out these papers when I get off the bus and walk the 5 minutes to my office?

I'm hardly going to get a read of the newspaper in that five minute walk, and once I get to the office, I'm hardly going to read those "news"papers over and above any of the proper papers that I can access online over my morning coffee. Plus, I'll get away with reading an online paper while I'm supposed to be working - reading an actual paper would be far too obvious.

Why are these papers not distributed at outlying bus stops, or at Dart stations? Wouldn't they be read much more if you had one in your hand for a 35minute bus or Dart journey? I'm assuming they're not available at Dart stations - they're definitely not at bus stops.

Having worked in London at the initiation of the very successful Metro publication there, the distribution policy there was to have papers available at every train station entrance so that people would read them on their way into work, especially at stations where there were no newspaper shops or vendors.

Is there a reason for this different distribution policy in Dublin? It seems they're not making the best of their opportunities here. Surely the cost of delivering these papers to carefully chosen Dart stations and outlying bus stops would increase their readership immensely.
Why are these papers not distributed at outlying bus stops, or at Dart stations? Wouldn't they be read much more if you had one in your hand for a 35minute bus or Dart journey? I'm assuming they're not available at Dart stations - they're definitely not at bus stops.

They are (at DART stations)-in Portmarnock anyway.

My biggest gripe (when I used the DART-I now use the train) was that when I got on in Portmarnock, there were copies sitting on the seats (someone must have got on in Malahide and put them there). I don't want the damn things-I already have reading material with me-and they were being distributed on the way to the DART-why should I have to deal with them if I want to sit down?

AFAIA, there have been moves to ditribute them on the LUAS/Buses, but there would be a fee payable if they wanted to do this AFAIK.

And there are quite a few people who read these papers when they get into work, or at lunch.
They both distribute at Sutton Dart station (and quite a number of others too) where they also have a captive audience of cars stopped at the railway crossing. Have to say, I would be happy enough to read it on the way home so wouldn't have a problem getting the paper once I reached town. The thing that does annoy me is the way they give (or try to give) 2 copies into cars with a driver + passenger - very wasteful and unnecessary. I agree though that they could dispense wth the distributors and just leave big boxes of them the way they do in London underground stations.
The evening metro edition yesterday was a bit pointless. It had some of the same articles as the morning one (received before I got on the train to work).
I agree orka,
I think it would be useful for them to have metro/herald am distribution "bins" on the dart by the doors. As you exit the dart you drop yours in, someone getting on who hasnt got one can just grab one.
The printers should certainly be funding recycling facilities at every distribution point. They somehow managed to get away with a deal with the Corpo whereby they provided a miniscule amount of 'free advertising' to meet their environmental obligations.