Revolut - Problems Lodging Funds with Visa Debit Card?


Registered User

Is anyone having problems lodging funds to their Revolut account, via a Visa Debit Card?

I'm having a problem, any time I try to lodge anything over about €20. The transaction keeps getting declined, then I've to contact my Bank, who spend a while trying to drive be bonkers, then facilitate the payment on a single transaction basis.

Interestingly, I know people using Visa Debit cards issued by other Irish banks, who are not having this problem.

So, an I the only one?

Thank you.
@MrEarl - I have to "verify" for bank transfers, but just for amounts over €150 - just in the last week or so.

Had another issue at the start of the week, I had an app update on that morning, and when trying to transfer money from my registered bank card to revolut (which I have used MANY times), I was now being prompted to choose bank/enter iban/bic - almost like a first time registration... InApp help was as useful as a ... lets say that they were crap.
I restarted the app a number of times, cleared cache etc, but it was about 3 hours later and it just started working again. Not sure what caused it or what fixed it, very frustrating.
I have it set up to suck out €200 from my AIB current account whenever the balance drops below €50 I think.

On occasion, if I have a large forex payment to make, I transfer money in. It's a while since I have done it, but I think I just have a payee set up in my AIB account and push it out.

Okay, so in your case Mr. Burgess, you are paying by transfer, if I'm reading your post correctly.

How long does it take before funds are credited to your Revolut account (if you lodge via debit card, it's instant).?

Are you incurring a transfer fee, each time (which I would expect is more expensive, then paying from your debit card).?

Many thanks
Hi Mr Earl

It's a while since I did it, but I don't remember a delay. But nor do I remember if I was in a hurry. I didn't get charged any fee.
