Revolut card scammed


Registered User
My Revolut card was scammed last week with lots of transactions over 2 days in the States, while I was in Ireland. It is not coincidence that I was planning a trip to the States and was booking accommodation and car hire online. I used for the accommodation bookings and for car hire. I have been stung for about $500 so far. I disabled the card once I saw the transactions. Got onto Revolut who said all transactions must be complete before they start their investigations which will take a long time. Some of them are still ‘pending’.
A warning to everybody using the Revolut card to check transactions regularly. Up to now, I was delighted to have the facility of using the card in various overseas locations.
I think this is a warning to everybody who has a credit card. Obviously you won't know and probably never will, but it looks like one of the companies you used may have lost your credit card details. That could happen no matter what card you used.

The advantage with Revolut is that you can disable your card by using the app or disable features, such as e-commerce transactions while leaving the card usable for local transactions. It's my default setting. I only enable the card when I want to do a transaction and then disable it again when the transaction goes through. I don't know why the main banks can't have this feature in their apps, it'd save a fortune with not a lot of development.