Revenue - slow responses

We had a terrible experience also, double charged for part of our tax last year, took 4 ROS queries and 6 phone calls to resolve, with a month in between the queries, promised resolution each time and to ‘wait’ for refund and between how long it takes them each time and mistakes being made they kept our money for 6 months.
I've had mixed results over the past year or so. Often queries sent via myAccount/LPT Online/MyEnquiries seem to lie dormant and never get any attention without continued prodding. Other times they are dealt with promptly. Once queries are addressed I have found that they are pretty good and efficient in dealing with them. A mixed bag like the curate's egg...
The curate's egg was not a mixed bag. The curate's egg was rotten.

The curate was having breakfast with his PP and the Bishop. When the Bishop enquired "how is your egg' the curate was in a quandary. He didn't want to embarrass the PP by saying, 'the egg is rotten', but also he could not bring himself to lie.

Now a rotten egg is only discoloured in parts, so at a pinch saying 'its good in parts' is not a lie.

A rotten egg is a terrible metaphor for something that is a mixed bag, no one wants to eat any part of a rotten egg. The story of the curate's egg is an excellent and amusing illustration of the common quandary, how to tell someone something difficult or unpleasant without giving offence. Unfortunately it proffers no realistic solution.

Apologies for going off track, my inner pedant is on the loose this morning.
The curate's egg was not a mixed bag. The curate's egg was rotten.
Language changes...
something is not right.....from my work end, we are getting final demands where we instruct an offset of withholding tax against vat, it was always immediate but lately it is not, you complete a task and move to the next only to revisit and chase what was supposed to be done......This is new for us, never before did we have these issues......
If the email requesting the offset is not being responded. Start a new email with a formal complaint and screenshots of the original unanswered email (thread). I suspect that person the original email was sent is AWOL or on Maternity Leave etc and any reminders/follow ups are forwarded to the same person.

We did this and got response and apology from Revenue within a couple of days.
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