Revenue Balancing Statement


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I received a balancing statement for 2008 from Revenue. How come it only includes details of PAYE paid? Why do they not include a balancing of PRSI and Health Levy paid? Is this a separate request from Revenue?
I received a balancing statement for 2008 from Revenue. How come it only includes details of PAYE paid? Why do they not include a balancing of PRSI and Health Levy paid? Is this a separate request from Revenue?

If income returned is all paye income- The prsi and levies are dealt with in P60 done by your payroll department and assumed by Revenue to be right.

Only see prsi and levies on assessment if some self employed income included.
PRSI and Levies are not Revenue's department. While collection is part of the PAYE or self-assessment system the PRSI/Levies portion is passed to the Dept of S/Welfare. Revenue Balancing Statements only show Tax balances. Self-assesed Notices of Assessment show tax and PRSI/Levies but ONLY the PRSI/LEvies relating to non-PAYE income, i.e. your P60 PRSI/LEvies do not show on NOtices of Assessment.
Thanks Graham for all the details. If I think I overpaid PRSI in 2008 who do I contact?