Revamping stairs: what to do with banister?


Registered User
Am in the process of revamping our stairs - painting steps, spindles etc white with a view to having a runner on it, and would like to have the banister stained or varnished a very dark brown/almost black colour to complement the black and white tiles in the hall.

However I'm not sure what kind of product I sould be using to achieve that look - should I be staining or varnishing or waxing the banister..? It is nasty orangey pine at the minute. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

This is the sort of look I'd like to emulate:
[broken link removed]
The picture you've linked looks more like a dark brown paint than a stain.
Just wanted to give an indication of how dark I would like the banister to be.

I do not want to paint it.
Then you will have to change the pine colour one that you have to a dark colour wood and then stain/varnish it or go to a good paint shop and ask them if any stain would bring your current handrail up to your chosen colour.
I am interested in what you are trying to achieve, so did a bit of googling and found this about [broken link removed]

Let us know if it works...