Returning to hairdresser after some time - "what to say"!?

I move hairdressers all the time. I usually go to the best known chain but go to a few different salons depending on what I am doing before or afterwards. I always get my colour done with the said chain but regularly get a blowdry in a local salon if I'm in a hurry etc. They would often say "I haven't seen you in a while". It never occured to me to say anything other than agree its been a while. I dont think you have anything to be embarrassed about at all. Just smile and say, Hi! You have nothing to be apologetic about
I hope I'm not asked anything as he is a terribly nice and good hairdresser and I dont want to make an eegit out of him...

So why did you leave him then ??

You could easily make an eejit out of yourself as well. Just walk in and act as if nothing happened -- you never left. We are in recessionary times - he will be glad to see you.
Hi there,
Just to provide an update on the hair do I went back a few weeks ago and my hairdresser mentioned he had not seen me for a while.. Well I told the truth (sort of), I told him I had not been back for about a year... However I did tell him I shot myself in the foot by going to a different salon after I was unhappy with a hair cut....

For the important bit "The Haircut" - it was fab Oh the delight of a decent hairdresser.. Oh and I did notice his prices had come down too
For the important bit "The Haircut" - it was fab Oh the delight of a decent hairdresser.. Oh and I did notice his prices had come down too

A good hairdresser whose prices have come down?


Please say Dublin 1 or 2!
Please say Dublin 1 or 2!
yes, a small salon just of molesworth street...

Its not a stylish salon, but the owner of the place has been there about 30 years! They are really good..
Hi there - here it is....

Paul Hair Studio
1a Molesworth Place, Dublin 2

I go to Peter, and my friend goes to Paul (I know...) Paul owns the salon, and they are very good cutters...

Excellent - that is near my work!

Last cut and highlights I got (half head highlights and short bob style) cost me 150 and I just don't have the money for that sort of nonsense any more .....
this is a problem alright......having spent a bit of time wondering about this one I reckon if I was you I would tell him the truth, I mean you could make up a web of lies but then really he's probably professional enough and can handle it, also I'm sure that he realizes people won't go back to a hairdresser if they had a mare of a cut. Tough one though!
Excellent - that is near my work!

Last cut and highlights I got (half head highlights and short bob style) cost me 150 and I just don't have the money for that sort of nonsense any more .....

I agree it's a lot of money but it's not nonsense.

I remember paying €200 once for a cut, high lites for hair to just above bra strap, oh and let's not forget the blow dry. Do people with longish hair ever forgo the blow dry?

Last few times have ranged from €100 to €130. I do find now I go every 6 weeks or so. In the mad day I might be back in week 4 if I had an event.
You should be honest and say you thought that you should try out the competition (with a smile on your face) but found nowhere as good and quickly ask him how he has been.
After all you are not getting freebies.
I'd go with Caveat's suggestion too. I'm sure this hairdresser is used to the happy clappy stuff, people saying what they feel is expected of them. I'd be mighty flattered as a business owner if someone who was previously miffed with me came back. It's easy to please happy customers, but an unhappy customer returning has got to be the ultimate acid (peroxide perhaps? ) test. Total honesty sounds like a win - win.
This is an old thread. The OP has been back to the hairdresser since.

I used to go to Paul's years ago when I worked on Kildare St. Can't believe he's still there.
I used to go to Paul's years ago when I worked on Kildare St. Can't believe he's still there.
No way!! Thats amazing, my mum, my sister and I go to his salon. There is a hairdresser there Peter I use, and I always get a great cut from him, he just knows what suits my face!!