Returning to driving after a brain haemorrhage

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Whats the story about getting a driving licence / insurance after a brain haemorrhage? My 74 year old father had a haemorrhage 5 years ago and his driving licence expired when he turned 70. He currently uses a zimmer frame for walking & mind is fairly ok but he can get distracted easily & memory isnt the best.

He's in a nursing home at present but is talking about coming home (thats another long story) and wants to get back driving. The nursing home have said a doctor won't sign him off for the licence but dad is absolutely convinced that he'll be able to get our GP at home to sign him off.

How likely is this? I assume he would have to meet certain criteria to be deemed fit to drive. Also would he have a problem getting insurance & if so is it likely to be expensive?
I think he'll have a problem getting a Doctor to certify this, and you have to consider how fair it would be on other road users, never mind pedestrians, given that he gets distracted etc. Maybe call his GP and have a quiet word about his condition and his intentions, this might make it easier to deal with. Insurers will likely also have a problem with this, and for the same reasons. He is required to disclose anything that is relevant in his insurance application. A condition known as "utmost good faith". Given what you have said, they will likely ask for a medical report.
Yeah I thought he'd have a problem & totally agree its not fair on other road users & pedestrians.

The problem is that he thinks he's absolutely convinced he's better than he is and won't be told otherwise eg he wants to come home but won't accept a carer (thinks he'd be alright in the house on his own) & also thinks he'd be ok to get up a ladder (is talking about cutting bushes at home during the summer) even though he's on a zimmer frame.
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