Have been reading all the really thorough posts on NSPs and AVCs( hope this question hasn't been asked before) and I now know that;
Cornmarkets fees and charges are way too high for my meagre AVC fund of 2.4% and that for a little extra paperwork I could take out a PRSA pension with brokers charging far less or buy back years of service.
Many posts outline the pros and cons of different pensions but in the back of my mind I'm still pondering whether I'll continue to teach beyond the next 10 years not to mind the prospect of teaching in my 60s, which fills me with horror.
I'm still youngish,29,2 years service and while things may change for me over the next few years I still probably harbour ambitions of moving abroad at some stage with hopefully a quid in the bank to supplement my meagre wages in some sunny clime.
My question is should I invest my money in deposit accounts/medium risk funds for the next few years rather than pensions which will charge huge fees for leaving so early?
I want to put a plan into action now that I won't need to worry about too much over the few years.I have around 20k in savings
I apologise If I've left out glaring details.