Retired people are at a much lower risk of poverty than younger people

The main source of wealth for older people is housing which continues to increase at double-digit rates, still ahead of inflation.
See @Red Helmet's post:
In addition, where would older people move to? There is a housing shortage.

Would all of the housing stock in the hands of older people equal the need of younger people in terms of size, location, condition and affordability?
I don't think anyone is worried about them having too much.
The discussion is about social and economic policies that are built on the false assumption that all or most older people are poor.
I think the norm of older people being poorer is about to be restored. Things have changed fundamentally with the return of inflation.
Reduction in income for those with ARFS( + inflation ( which over time will affect those on fixed or reducing incomes more.). For those still working incomes eventually adjust as they did in the 70's. Those younger people with mortgages will benefit as debt is inflated away. Governments will like this also whatever they say. Also any extra property tax will be coming from this reduced income. Energy costs in the home are higher for older people more also( more at home and less active).
Lets see how it looks in 2-3 years.
It might be reasonable to reduce the amount of tax free inheritance and/or increase inheritance tax and /or not allow the use of inheritances/gifts as deposits for houses.
The problem is a housing shortage essentially which should be sorted. The demand side might reduce soon -I believe some IT companies are laying off staff and you'd expect there will be a rush for the exit home by people from abroad
If you don't have enough contributions you get a reduced pension, the PRSI is paid to contribute to pension, why should a person pay PRSI a 2nd time on what they contributed
I agree. My issue is that social and taxation policy presumes that all retirees are poor. That is certainly not the case.

I think the norm of older people being poorer is about to be restored.
Leaving aside that retirees are at a relativity high risk of poverty or social exclusion, it violates the basic principles of taxation of equality and neutrality if you look for certain socio-economic groups or other categories who you can then soak for taxes. Taxation should be neutral and should not be geared towards penalizing particular social groups, just because they are perceived as ‘less poor than they were in the past’, etc., or because you just don’t like them.
Leaving aside that retirees are at a relativity high risk of poverty or social exclusion
No they are not.

Retired people are less at risk of poverty than students, the unemployed, the disabled, and those on caring duties (see yellow bar).

Material deprivation rates are even lower than those in employment (light green bar).

The state pension system does a pretty job of ensuring that most pensioners are not in poverty.

Ah will you stop it, i grew up in the 60s in a brand new bungalow, i knew no one living in a mud hut against a ditch, thats famine era stuff
I agree. It should be neutral. It certainly shouldn’t be giving lower rates to well off people simply by virtue of their age.
If you don't have enough contributions you get a reduced pension, the PRSI is paid to contribute to pension,
Sorry, I probably should have been clearer. For many people the contributions they made, while all that was asked of them, were insufficient to fund their State pension. Basically PRSI rates are too low.
If you like to look up the book, Images and Chronicles from the archives of the Kerryman newspaper, on page 154 you will see a photograph of the mud hut from the 1960s, and the Egan family that lived there.
If you like to look up the book, Images and Chronicles from the archives of the Kerryman newspaper, on page 154 you will see a photograph of the mud hut from the 1960s, and the Egan family that lived there.
One mud hut is not reminiscent of the living conditions in Kerry in the 1960s. My parents built a four bedroom bungalow in the early 60s with the modern bathroom and palour of the era, in fact all the houses in our rural area were built of block or stone. Didnt the government embark on a massive social housing program in the 50s where thousands of houses were built all over the country in towns and rural areas.
If you like to look up the book, Images and Chronicles from the archives of the Kerryman newspaper, on page 154 you will see a photograph of the mud hut from the 1960s, and the Egan family that lived there
Then as now people view things from their own situation and often don't see the poverty that surrounds them.
Sorry, I probably should have been clearer. For many people the contributions they made, while all that was asked of them, were insufficient to fund their State pension. Basically PRSI rates are too low.
And what about the tax rates?
If you like to look up the book, Images and Chronicles from the archives of the Kerryman newspaper, on page 154 you will see a photograph of the mud hut from the 1960s, and the Egan family that lived there.

So, even in the 1960s when the photo was taken, presumably The Kerryman regarded such a salubrious residence as noteworthy.
After all, if everyone in Kerry had been living in mud huts and eating roadkill and raw insects, then it wouldn't have been worth a picture.
Obviously not, but there was great poverty in this country in the 1960's,
even in Dublin in different parts, 3 tenements collapse in 1963 killing 4 people.
Not everyone lived in a bungalow with a bathroom and a parlour.
Luxury sure Luxury. Try telling that to the young people today to quote Monty Python.