Retained monies from Clients




this is my first post

i have a question. is there a rule on payments for works carried out? my situation is this.

we have carried out production for a pretty large retail site in London. as always, there were minimal snags but nothing muh to right home about. My client provided a comprehensive snag list which we completed. It seems now though that everytime i ask for payment, another spurious list appears with things unrelated to our provision. The Clients have declared no payment will be made until ALL items are carried out yet when we carry them out, more items randomly appear from nowhere....

i have now been waiting nearly 60 days for my payment and the Clients are now ignoring my calls. As far as i was concerned, we produce a job and install it. This is invoiced and any snags to be attended are fixed within an acceptable timeframe. All of this is done.

My clients have taken on a new staff member who seems to be instigating this as my previous 6 yrs with tehm have never been trouble and i always got paid on time however now i am told

i will be paying them a discount back if i want to get paid
i will be getting large deductions for damage ( that didnt actually happen )
i will need to give them a payment back on top of this to continue working with them!

i feel like going down the legal route of money retrieval however in doing so, i do run the risk of losing my Client altogether.


are there standard terms that companies must follow to make payments on products received?

many thanks,

May be of some use. Along with a letter from your solictior or a phone call to the "difficult" new persons boss.

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