Retailer removed sales tag at till…

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Hi All,

Went to buy a coat today, went to a local retailer.

Both were €250, so an Xmas present to myself, not cheap, so wanted to be sure. There was one coat I came in for, but he showed me another, tried both different coats on a few times,

The retailer stayed next to me the whole time, as I tried them on, every time I switched one, he’d take the other, zip it up and re hung it. I did think; ‘maybe leave them there cos I’m not decided, don’t bother rehanging, buttoning all the way’..

He then made remarks about me; ‘I wouldn’t want to go Xmas shopping with you!’

I shrugged and replied; ‘it’s a lot of money’.

Anyway, I settled on the one he showed me, he took the jacket and went to the till, I looked at other things. Went down to the till, jacket is all bagged up and ready to go. I pay and leave, bag into the boot, gone for the day.

I get home tonight; I think I want to exchange for the one I wanted originally, more loose fit, etc, so I go to try it on.

The tag is gone. The retailer pulled the tag off, you can see as the paper is still twisted on the thread loop. I’d never yank a tag like that in case I tore something, I’d cut it off. I’m absolutely 100% certain he did it, cos I read the tag for the model name, he took it off.

Now when I go back tomorrow what’s he going to do? Refuse the exchange cos there’s no tag?

I see a Google review saying he’s denied credit notes for exchanges for items that didn’t fit, so he’s obviously not to be trusted here.. I know I’m not entitled to an exchange, but pulling the tag off…?

Why would you do that? Unbelievable cheek!
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Yeah, I’ve both.

But, I’ve never seen a retailer pull the tag off of a coat.

I think I’ll go back and ask to exchange, if he mentions there’s no tag, then ask why he removed it, cos I didn’t. You can see where he pulled it off hard, heavy card tag on a thread loop.

Just mind boggling. Doesn’t want me to exchange it? Could easily try say; ‘oh well there’s no tag, so no exchange’

I’ll keep the receipts in my pocket, they’re in the bag now, but in case he tosses them, tries to say they’re gone too.
Did you bring the coat back for an exchange and how did it go??
Any decent retailer should accept a stock item for exchange, it's not like their loosing a sale
Both were €250, so an Xmas present to myself, not cheap, so wanted to be sure. There was one coat I came in for, but he showed me another, tried both different coats on a few times,

Although it's badly worded, it's clear what the OP meant, so I have deleted the off topic stuff.
Did you bring the coat back for an exchange and how did it go??
Any decent retailer should accept a stock item for exchange, it's not like their loosing a sale

Well… I got there and was met by a lady instead, who I assumed was his wife, judging by the size of the shop, age, how she carried herself.

She exchanged it without any issue, extremely nice about it, so I went out to the car, jacket in the boot, got in.. Shop owner came out flailing, I locked the door, opened the window. I got a garbled mess (as if I’m one to talk, but it’s my story) about the price, ‘need to check the jacket tag, which one did you get, hang on now’.

I told him the one I got, that it was the same price as the one I exchanged, he could check that himself, asked what the problem was, as he was visibly annoyed.

He kept saying he wanted to see what I had, so I powered down and got out, I insisted we go back into the shop instead of seeing what I had first. (I wasn’t happy to put it into his hands, or hand it over in case he took it back and refused to let me have it!)

We talked with the lady, she showed what I brought back, he kept saying about the price difference which there wasn’t, he kept checking over the jacket I exchanged, looking annoyed. I stayed shtum and said to check the price. I said nothing, he ‘noticed’ the tag was gone, but said nothing…

I finally went out and brought in the new jacket, held it myself and showed the price to the lady. I had my eyes locked on him, finally….

‘There’s no tag on this one, hang on now!’

Me: ‘You pulled that off, I didn’t touch it.

He denied this, so I just reply; ‘You’re having a laugh, you must think I’m a right eejit! You pulled the tag off, and now here’s you making a song and dance outside, why else? You could easily check to see, but you insisted on getting me back in here, I’m not changing back again, I’ve already paid you’ and then the lady just interrupts loudly;

‘Wait now, look it’s fine, sorry about that, you can just go ahead we’ll deal with that, ok, thanks, no problem, no problem’. She looked browned off, so I said thanks to her and made a bee line for the door. He looked annoyed.

Snide move. Didn’t want me to return it, so yanked the tag off. The woman in the shop knew well that he was up to antics.

Why else would you pull a tag off? Why else would you strenuously object to a same amount exchange less than 24 hours after purchase?

Amazing 5 minutes, just amazing. So bad for their reputation, I swear, Ger face and reaction - I swear she was on to him after those google reviews. She knows well he’s awkward and tries this kind of play.
No need to hang around after the awards ceremony Vincento. We're sure you have places to be, people to meet, supermarkets to open, jackets to buy.
Good god that was a drama, you were right to be stressed about it yesterday, you must have picked up some vibes. But you had the till receipt, so you could prove both coats were the same price. Sounds like he would do anything not to do a refund or exchange.

I hope you wear your coat with enjoyment for yours too come, best of luck.
I read it as that he pulled off the label that is sewn on to the coat, not the sales tag!!
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