Restaurant in Killarney


Registered User
We are going to Killarney weekend after next and I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend a nice restaurant in the town for two couples in their 30's.
Hi Firehead,

Foleys & The Cooperage are very nice restaurants in Killarney
We had a lovely meal at Lord Kenmares, we needed to book a table but was worth it, just a day in advance was sufficient :)

Enjoy your trip!
I remember posting here last year about Restaurants in Killarney but cant find the link now.

Treyvous is good.
Foley's - excellent menu - beautifully cooked - and a well stocked cellar.
Foleys is an overpriced restaurant and therefore bad value, so i would suggest you go somewhere that offers better value for money, nothing worse than feeling you have been ripped off.
Hi Firehead,

I visited Killarney a few months ago and went to a restaurant called Chapter 40. I have to say we all really enjoyed it...(we all being two couples in their late 20's!!) Nice ambience and food very nice.

[broken link removed]

Hope you enjoy it wherever you end up!


(no affiliation with this restaurant other than being a happy customer)
Paddy's Restaurant on the Main Street, upstairs, is excellent. Family run & efficient service.