Residual Values / Total Cost of ownership model


Registered User
I am trying to do an exercise for work.

Currently, the company I work for purchases all out sales reps cars via finance lease. I am trying to compare the cost of this vs using a fleet management company / operational lease.

In order to do this, I am trying to build some sort of total cost of ownership model. The figure that is catching me out and obviously has a major effect on the outcome is the residual value of the car.

I am wondering, do any of you people out there on aam have such a model or have somewhere I can get the residual value of the cars in question after 3 years / 100k miles?

Thanks in advance!
Did you look in some of the car buyers magazines,exchange and mart,car buyers guide etc? They have a column"percentage value of car after 3 yrs" Its usually a percentage of the original purchase price.A very interesting figure too!!
Buy a copy of What Car magazine. They have a section on car residuals as described by Caff at the back. It is UK based but the figures should be a close enough approximation.
Thanks for the replies folks. I checked the whatcar website and it gives a residual value for 3 years / 36,000 miles. However, most of our drivers will have racked up 100k + miles over the 3 years.

Anyone know what would be a good factor to reduce the residual quoted by whatcar for this higher mileage??

Thanks again!