Resident's Parking Permits


Registered User
Does anyone know if there is a way to find out if you're intitled to a resident's Parking Permit for a particular street. I live adjacent a street with permit parking and want to know if it's possible to get a permit. My street has very limited free parking and is always full where as the permit parking street 20 yards away has ample parking all the time.

Anyway - if anyone knows if there's a way to find out if eligible before sending in all the forms etc. I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance
Why not contact your council? Apart from anything, I would imagine the rules differ depending on the local authority.

I think in general the answer is likely to be "no": you'll only get the permit for the road you actually live on (and you need quite a bit of proof for this).

One option you might be able to do is to get two or more streets combined: on our road we now have permits that allow us to park on any of three roads (they're short and all joined together off a main road). This took quite a lot of interaction with the council (Dublin City in our case). Before, there were separate permits for each street, which suited nobody as they'd each fill up at different times. However, in that case all the streets involved already had permit parking, which doesn't seem to be the case in your situation.
I would expect the answer to be no. To get parking on a street you need documentation to say you live there. It also says that a permit for one street does not entitle you to park in a neighbouring street. A permit also does not guarantee you availability of parking.

What local authority area are you living in? In Cork city resident parking permits entitle you to park anywhere within a designated zone incorporating streets close to where you live. Obviously you can only park in designated parking spaces (i.e you'll still be clamped/towed for parking on double yellow lines, wheelchair spaces etc.) Your car must be registered at the address for which you are applying for a permit. Best thing to do is contact your local authority and ask them.

Check with your local authority, but I would be fairly confident that the answer is no.

You have a very common problem. Meter parking is introduced and the neighbouring areas with free parking get swamped. Talk to your neighbours. Get general agreement that there is a problem and then apply to the local authority for meter parking. If the majority support it, then the local councillors will support it.

It's coming in on my street at the end of April. €70 a year for parking. Great value and it will reduce the huge amount of cars parked here all day long.

But bringing it in was a source of dispute among the neighbours. So have a general meeting first to discuss it and consider the various options.

I used to live on the road which had Permit Parking on the oposite end and another Cul-de-Sac with loads of permit parking adjacent to it. Upon presentation of my car registration and a household bill (to prove that I own a car and live on that particular street), I was issued a parking permit by the DCC. However, I always parked on the adjacent Cul-de Sac even though it wasn't stated on my parking permit and clampers never went anywhere near me.