1. If u can travel back and forth then it is no great problem.
2. If u live 183 days in Ireland then u are classed as resident for tax purposes. Tax rates here are 20% and 42%.
the above are the simple straightforward answers, here are a few complex bits.
buying a house can be a nightmare, once it is known u are moving from uk, the price will go up and up, u may end up bidding against yourself, getiing surveys done can be a total waste of money, the price u see is never the price u pay, u have to pay stamp duty on a sliding scale, the holding deposit is usually in the thousands, i paid 13, 000 and when the deal fell though they were slow ie the estate agent, or auctioneers as they are called here, to give me my money back, eg it will take a few days to go through accounts, i protested and said my solicitor said u must pay me now, got cheque within minutes.
solicitors can charge u a %age of the price if u let them, there are quite a few on the net now who are cheap.
I could go on but you may be paying cash and as always cash is king.
I have come from uk as well and learnt the hard way.
pm me if u want more help.